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I've Been Thinking


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Total Deck :40 Cards


Monsters (20)


2 Kuraz the Light Monarch

2 Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 Thestalos the Firestorm Monach

1 Raiza the Storm Monarch


3 D. D. Survivor

3 D. D. Scout Plane

3 Cyber Valley

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 D. D. Warrior Lady

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Spells (13)


2 Reinforcements of the Army

2 Enemy Controller

1 Heavy Storm

1 Lightning Vortex

3 Dimensional Fissure

2 Different Dimension Reincarnation

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Brain Control


Traps (7)


3 Magic Drain (Temp for Solemns until I get them)

2 Macro Cosmos

1 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Bottomless Traphole




EDIT: List updated.



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I'm guessing magic drain is a proxy solemn judgment. I see where you're going with kuraz and d.d.r. for the draw power, but its not that consistent imo, 1 kuraz should be cool, try taking it out for a 3rd caius. I would reccomend soul exchange and allure of darkness, and lose nobleman of crossout for a start but you can choose what else to take out.

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Allure's if you can get them, neg Marshy, you have Reaper in here, Kuraz should be fine at 2. Its not bad. Has some good tech in here (Grand Mole) but might I suggest dropping Assailant for Warrior Lady. Assailant relies on being destroyed in battle to use its effect and Warrior Lady just has to battle to use her effect. Warrior Lady also stops GB tag outs. A GB cant tag out if its removed from play now can it.

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Lolz, I'm trying to find allure. I've bought so many freakin PTDN but I haven't gotten 1 yet. Yes M=Drain is temp till my cuz drops Solemns on me. I'll neg assailant for Lady. Anymore fixes? Also, is there anything Allure proxy? I really don't know.



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