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Well, having found somebody to take care of General in my place, it's time to go.


I had fun, but after almost 4 years here, it's time to move on. College is ending, and my free time is best spent away from the computer entirely.


Thank you all for making my job fairly easy, and for tolerating some of my quirks when it came to modding.


Bye everyone! ;)


Bye, the last of my 3 friends I had on this site :/

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Leaving tommorow. You all f***ing hate me anyway, so why the f*** should I stay only to get insulted all the damn time. Why do I even come on this forum. *sigh* I might come back in a few months.


I don't hate you, and you don't actually seem so bad. You provide cheap entertainment, so that's why people make fun of you.


Oh, and sticking around until the end of the brawl, in case you're still wondering why I'm here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, considering I'm back, I might as well post it here. I lost interest in Yu-Gi-Oh earlier this year, but after I found out someone I know also plays it, I decided to pick it back up. I remembered this place so I decided sign in and see how everything's going. I might as well stick around for a while, especially since I have a few card ideas and a fan-fic idea.


Ain't like anyone here knows me anyway since I'm sure any members I have at least had some conversations with is probably gone. But who knows, maybe I missed someone.

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[spoiler= IGNORE]

So hey there. You know me as Thunder End Dragon, possibly Elemental Dragon. I've been here since February, so not as long as a lot of people here. But I think I've grown to be rather well known, hopefully in a good way.

So my life here... As I say, I came in Feb and had been browsing the forum several months before. I started creating cards, and posting them. At first, they weren't great, but I progressed and became quite good with the current OCG. Also, during my time in the CC section, I distinctly remember hosting a Light Vs Dark Contest, which Zextra won.

I then moved onto Role Playing, with Aesirsons being the host of my first RP. I was awful. I truly was. But I carried on and have come to be known as a good RPer in some eyes.

Next I moved into the TCG and Your Deck section. I've learnt a lot and become a much better duelist. I also hosted the first and original Numbers Tournament, which has been remade twice by other members.

Also, I started a Fanfic, Yugioh: Ending Time, which I may update on irregular and short visits to YCM. Other than that, I've lived life in these three sections quite well, but due to some IRL problems, and just as a break for myself, I bid you farewell, for a while at least. I may return, I may not. Either way, I've made some great friends, had some great times. I may see you all again within a month, or a year, or never again......



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I am back I guess, kind of late, but it's cool I have returned to this place. I guess an re-introduction is necessary? Whatever, bro.


So back in 2008 I was just an unactive dead account that ghosted through the forums I guess, I forgot about this thing for two years then in 2010 I decided I wanted to make some cards, so I did, then I realized I could activate my account because I was dreadfully unaware of that at the time, so I decided I would join the YCM forums. My first thread was in Your Deck I think were I posted a god awful Fiend deck with some random Blackwings. Overtime I became a better deck builder (and I posted a couple cards and joined a couple clubs/organizations.) Then around the Summer of 2010 my pal, Oleon got perma'd for multi accounting and Kyosuke Kiryu was banned for multiple accounting too. And the cards section was kinda dull for good raters and stuff, since anybody can say "7/10 kind of unbalanced" and accumulate the most posts on the forum. So I took a break. Then during the Summer of 2011 I stopped by for a visit then left. A couple weeks ago on Dueling Network a certain Welche posted a link to YCM, I clicked it and I remembered the good old days and then here I am.


Terrible story lolz.

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Not sure if anyone would notice or care if I posted here... but eh... I'll be seeing you YCM

I've already stated how I feel about it. Well, before you told me why, but still, shame I won't be seeing you around for a while. Can you tell me if you'll ever be back?
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Well, now that I've come to dislike most people here and the YMB is coming to a close with an obvious winner, I think I'll be taking my leave.


[- This means that I resign from any/all tournaments I have entered, and all Roleplays I have currently registered to and/or reserved I have now resigned from.


I'll rarely be on Skype/MSN. I may occasionally log on, but there really is no point.


Til' some other time, YCM.


- l u n a r o r i g i n s - - -

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Well, now that I've come to dislike most people here and the YMB is coming to a close with an obvious winner, I think I'll be taking my leave.


[- This means that I resign from any/all tournaments I have entered, and all Roleplays I have currently registered to and/or reserved I have now resigned from.


I'll rarely be on Skype/MSN. I may occasionally log on, but there really is no point.


Til' some other time, YCM.


- l u n a r o r i g i n s - - -

Lunar.... :'(
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