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Frunk! What a pleasant surprise! Yeah, I think they are familiar, but yeah, its been way too long. I came back to see if my cards were still stored, and they were, and I saw the threads I posted in 2007 and 08... I have people who took a look years later and are dropping my rating because I was still using the old format XD. Maybe I should consider remaking them. *shrug*


And to think, I prided myself on realism in the cards.. and now they are totally unrealistic due to the new rules.


The card maker has been improved dramatically in the last 4 years, so it's certainly a fine idea to remake your cards. I would, but I don't really have the will to do so as I've never really been into card-making anyway. :P Anyway, hope to see you around, and just PM me if any kids start hassling you. ;P

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Leaving for about a week to get to a few things I have to do in rl.


EDIT: My time away could be longer or shorter depending on what's happening. Right now my dad's having problems with our internet company so I may or may never come back.

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*sigh* Ever since I came back I knew that this time would come eventually. My life had just too time consuming, I finally have one btw. I have to do 3 intense projects for school and I'm hanging out with my friends more and more all the time. So its about time that I give a sad farewell. YCM just isn't as appealing to me as it was 2 years and some months ago. So why don't I outline my history on her a little bit.


I originally joined for the card maker in early 2009, I got bored with it after a couple of weeks so I left ycm thinking I would never come back here. But than I got bored one day and by accident, discovered the YCM forums. From that moment on I would begin to become the more well known "troll" Riku. At that time I went by Ed Carter123, Ed Carter was the name of my late best friend who died when I was about 7. Around june 2009 I met Kitty Princess, who now just goes by kitty I think..


We became pretty good friends on here, we would PM eachother constantly. Lol if I had to guess probably 25% of my pm's are from her. Around that time I decided to get a new username cause Ed Carter123 just sounded a bit noobish. At first I was gonna change it into "Impulse" but than I was settled on "Lelouch Lamperouch but than I settled on my final and best choice:Riku. I had been playing Kingdom Hearts nonstop when Riku just popped in my head as a username. So I got it changed to Riku and its been in my usernames ever since.


A couple of months past by and I was still going by Riku when I decided to change my username to Fred Fred Burger cause I thought he was f***ing hillarious(still do). So I asked a super mod to do the job for me( I forget who..) and he did. But after a couple of days I regretted the name change deeply so I begged for just another name change. At that point in my YCM I had become friends with a user who I nicknamed "Vampy", her username is private out of respect for her cause she's currently banned. So I begged the super mod for just another name change. At first I was just gonna revert back to "Riku" but because I was friends with Vampy I went with Vampire Riku as my imediate choice but decided Half Vampire Riku sounded better, I than shortened the it to Half Vamp Riku and the rest is history. That pretty much covers my usernams.


Now I get to my most infamous moment in YCM history. At that time I was a bit noobish and I thought if I could get people to back me up than I could get made into a mod. So I created the infamous "Should I become a mod?" thread with than spawned the even more infamous "Riku For Mod" campaign which got members banned(Including Dark and Myself). After that I became a pretty well known member. But most of the members who knew I was thought I was a complete idiot and I don't blame them I was pretty noobish back than. Hell a few members still think I'm an idiot( COUGHlarxenneCOUGH).


Well that sums up most of my history, it only covers a couple of moments but I decided to cover just a bit of my history.


Well peace guys. I love each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart, I truly meant. I want to thank each and everyone of you for making the time I spent on here enjoyable and entertaining


As a lot of brits say, CHEERS!

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Welcome back Sotos. Glad you've returned.


Anyway, I think a few of you know already, but to those who don't. I'm moving out of my dads and into my own flat on Saturday.


This will mean I'll be without Internet for a while, probably 6-8 weeks.


Will miss some of you. Most of you I couldn't give a monkey's, but some of you are alright and will make me want to come back in the end.


Will be about for the next two days whilst doing final bits off packing and stuff, then off at the weekend.

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I almost forgot the address for this site until someone linked me to another thread on here. After browsing around here, reading up on the OCG changes, and just realizing that Sephiron God existed, I thought I should get back into the cardmaking fananza. So I logged into my account to check if my cards were there (which they were, although some cards were missing their effect text).


Now, while I am going to be frequently visiting here, I won't be able to post much because I'm reworking the two first archetypes I made, because I look back at them and think that there were too many Ultra Rares and some of them definitely needed costs. Not to mention, I have to fix a few cards because their card counterparts don't match up with the characters they represent due to design changes I made on them and probably art replacements, because I know I haven't contacted the artists for the cards that have images I didn't make...


Well then, how is it over here?

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But most of the members who knew I was thought I was a complete idiot and I don't blame them I was pretty noobish back than. Hell a few members still think I'm an idiot( COUGHlarxenneCOUGH).

I just wanted to come back to say that yes, I still think you're an idiot.


Kay I'm leaving again.

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