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Yes, well anyone remember me?


Spire's Absence:


I have been absent for 4 weeks!!! 4 damn weeks!!! Terrible shame as I was quite the active member...I posted everyday, 7 days a week..*sigh*


Well, the reason for this was simple. Let's just put it simple and say, something happened to my computer and I had no access to the internet. Seriously, 4 weeks.....I missed this place...alot. So, uh, if there are any new rules.....please notify me...I do not wish to brake any rules. Anything new on this site?? Uh, well, hmm.. what more can I say? Oh! right! I had a shop, I think it was called "Hidden Land". Well sorry that I couldn't fill any orders, it's obvious why. Also, i'm going to start a new fanfiction soon.


Well, I missed 4 weeks, so I better start posting.


Good day to you all!


-- The Returned Spire --

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