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Oh your back.................... well I left too and um I was surprised when came back. And you haven't made much since you left but I suggest that you first read the rules rather than skipping them.

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Yeah I just did read them. For the first time. >_<. Most forums have the same basic rules on them so before I followed as such. Didn't break any rules before, and I hope to keep it that way. Anyway... Most people won't know me because I left 2 or 3 years back. I made alot of cards that I never publicized, and now I don't want to release them anymore because of the way people act in the pop cult and other section.

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I have been very inactive during the last week, and this will continue my personal life has finally caught up to where I'm at and must take a pause from YCM and my forum. I will pop in and out of here, and I will try to remain quite active in my forum to keep it in order. Once I get back ahead I will return to full activity here, but for now I must be moderately inactive. So for a while, cheers! Anyone that would like a link to my site please PM me.


-Ryan, the lost wanderer

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