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Jinzoport sync


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21| Monsters


3| Destiny Hero - Malicious

3| Destiny Hero - Plamsa

3| Jinzo

1| Cyber Dragon


2| Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

3| Jinzo Returner

3| Krebons

3| Quillbolt Hedgehog


20| Spells


2| Card Of Safe Return

2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

3| Destiny Draw

3| Emergency Teleport

1| Pot Of Avarice

1| Future Fusion

3| Dark World Dealings

2| hand Destruction

1| Limiter Removal


1| Traps


1| Crush Card Virus


15| Extra Deck


1| Overdragon

3| Stardust Dragon

3| Goyo Guardian

3| Thought Ruler Archfiend

3| Red Dragon Archfiend

2| Magical Android

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With cyber dragon at 1, using future fusion to bring out your army of jinzos isnt consistent. Instead, for a slower but more controlled way to summon the jinzos from the grave, use armageddon knights or dark grepher. Grepher ditches jin to mill jinzo returner= free jinzo. Also needs allures as has been said. Lose hand destructions or dealings or something >.< and finally, fear monger is a bit random, I know it gives you draws from safe return and is a ccv target but the only thing it can rez is the malicious which is a bit crummy lol. If you lose the hand destruction or DWD, you might want to test lightning vortex, the deck is low on removal and it deals with copies of jinzo you dont want in hand, or better yet discard a jinzo returner thats sitting in hand for ANOTHER way to get a free jinzo.


Hope that helps ^^

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Trade-In is one of those cards that is a 3 or 0 card. I was merely pointing out the fact that Trade-In only has 3 targets. 5 targets is the bare minimum for Trade-In to be run effectively or any draw engine for that matter. From what I've tested anyway. Trade-In is also one of those draw engines that cant have too many of the specific type of monster that draw engine corresponds with otherwise its dead hands from there. Anyway, 3 D-Draw and 3 Allure may well be enough for draw power in here. They basically need a minimum but the perfect level balance so dead hands are avoided. He also has Dark World Dealings as a cheap draw engine in here so he may not need to add the Trade-In draw engine.

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