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My First Five Cards


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Here are the first five cards that I have made in this order...


1.- Jorge's Greed: This is based on a friend of mine that is very greedy, more than the goblin xD and he always want everything, so one day I decided to make him a card but it was until yesterday that I made it xD


2.- Claymore Mines: This is originally based on another friend of mine, he was opening a tin can on a shopping mall... but he was in the floor so it looked like he was placing a mine... but since I don't have a photo of him doing that, I placed Snake instead xD


3.- Psy-Mech The Mind Engineer: Ok this is another thing... it's the character that I have created som time ago, so I did wanted to make a card for him... the art is from a friend of mine. And is the first one of the Mech Force which is based on Machine cards. Psy-Mech is like the protector of the team.


Effect:Increase The ATK and DEF of this card by 500 for every "War-Mech The Master Warrior" and "Shadow-Mech The Lost One". As long as this card remains on the field Machine monsters cannot be destroyed in battle. Once per turn you can send one Machine monster form your field, hand or deck to the graveyard to inflict damage to your opponent life points equal to the original ATK of the monster that was sent.


4.- Shadow-Mech The Lost one: This the second Mech is companion of Psy-Mech and War-Mech, he is also the one that made the card and the supporter of the team. He also is the one that controls machines and give them power because my friend loves machines, so I made this Character and card in honour to him ^^


Effect:Increase The ATK and DEF of this card by 500 for every "Psy-Mech The Mind Engineer" and "War-Mech The Master Warrior". This card is not affected by spell or trap cards and cannot be attacked if there is another Machine monster on your side of the field. This card increases the ATK of Machine monsters on your side of the field by 500 points. Once per turn you can select one Machine type monster on your side of the field and add the ATK of all the Machine monsters that you control to it. When this card is destroyed you can special summon a Machine type monster from your hand, deck or graveyard ignoring the summon conditions.


5.- War-Mech The Master Warrior: This is the third Mech and is the main attacker of the team, because he can manage a great variety of weapons, the effect of being removed is because the character uses to travel between dimensions in search of rare weapons with his companion Gilgamesh (yes the one from Final Fantasy) so when he comes back from the another dimension, he comes with a new weapon, in this case... Equip Spell Card. The efect of increased ATK is because when he is seriously wounded, he comes into Berserk Mode.


Effect: Increase The ATK and DEF of this card by 500 for every "Psy-Mech The Mind Engineer" and "Shadow-Mech The Lost One". When this card is summoned you can select an equip spell card from your deck or graveyard and equip it to a monster in the field. Once on any turn you can remove this card and return it to the field in the end phase and equip it with an spell card from your hand, deck or graveyard. When your life points are 1000 or less increase the ATK of this card by 3000.





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I have already done that, but I can't it says that i don't have permission to do that... it's weird cause in every other forum I'm sure that you can delete your own posts but not here... and by the way I did't want to post three times... some one came to use my internet and just hit back and forward ¬¬

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