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create the new cyberdragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finished

Chaos Impact™

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cyber dark, still url's. try this,

when your card is created on image shack click on the smaller image of the card. it will show the full size image. then right click on the image and go to properties. in the middle of the property listing it will show the url for the picture. highlight the entire url and copy it in to this format, the url just copied. it's that simple.

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The contest will end 20th of August

Thank you all for entering i have enjoyed all of the fantastic entrys this is my top 5 ( this will not be the final results for this contest ifd you are not in the top 5 this does not mean that you can win any of the prizes i just want to show new entrants what there up against)

5- grey shadow

monster: ???

field: 8/10

Equip: 9/10

Overal : 17/30

4- red hot zero dragon:

monster: 8/10

field: 8/10

Equip: 5/10

overall: 21/30

3- Doom phoinex

monster: 8/10

field: 8/10

equip: 8/10

overall: 24/30

2- Supream gamesmaster y.

monster: 9/10

monster: 8/10

equip: 8/10

overall: 25/30

1- Bromlee

Monster: 9/10

Field: 9/10

Equip 9/10


and weel done to all the others who have entered so far!

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Right the winner Of the create a new cyber dragon is ............

In 3rd place........Bromlee

In 2nd Place.......spellstriker

And the winner is....... 027982

Well done to everyone that entered it was a very hard contest and you did excelent look out for my new contest "Curse Of The Big Five"

This contest is now closed

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