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A more aggressive Yubel Build (r/f for r/f)

Tickle Me Emo

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My Last Yubel was all basically wait for you to attack me or wait for you to help me get out Nightmare. Thus the opponents were able to kill me a lot easier. I decided to add a bit more aggression. Heres my new build.


Main Deck: (40)


Monsters: (18)

3x Yubel

2x Yebel - Terror Incarnate

2x Yubel - Ultimate Nightmare

3x Tomato

2x Doom Shamin

2x Dasher

2x Grepher

1x Rainbow Dark Dragon

1x Jinzo


Spells: (15)

3x Allure

3x Swing of Memories

2x Foolish

2x Vortex

2x RotA

1x Veil of Darkness

1x Monstruo Renacido (Spanish Monster Reborn)

1x MST


Traps: (7)

2x Limit Reverse

3x Solemn

1x MF

1x TT


Side Deck: (15)


Monsters: (2)

3x D.D. Crow


Spells: (3)

2x Book of Moon


Traps: (10)

1x BTH

3x LIM

3x Roar

3x Wrath

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