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TRUE Netdecking: Discussion

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Guest Chaos Pudding

The term "netdecking" refers to the practice of creating your deck card-for-card from a deck list you found on the Internet. Said deck list is also, most likely, a major tournament winner or, at the very least, a Top 16er. My opinion on the matter is that, often, winning or topping decks have flaws that can and should be fixed, as was the case with the first Lightsworn builds that were ran in a Jump. Other than flaws, the meta in which the deck was first being used and the meta in which you choose to use said deck might be different, and therefor some Main and Side Deck choices might not make sense for you.


In other words, mindless netdecking is stupid.



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If you're netdecking a deck, then it's likely that it is a powerful meta deck, and therefore it is likely that many other people are also netdecking it. This means that you need to compete with a large number of other people using identical decks. Hence, in order to be victorious, you must have not only a strong understanding of how the deck works (as otherwise those with said understanding will defeat you) but also enough luck to win mirror matches with reasonable consistency. Furthermore, as the number of people running said deck increases, the number of people running anti-meta decks geared to counter said deck will also increase, and thus you will need to be able to defeat them as well.

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I would go as far to say that netdecking is for expierienced duelists only.



wrong, experienced duelist creates their own formulas... otherwise corn monarchs wouldn't exist... experienced players don't need to netdeck...


netdecking is bad, because stops creativity among players, and is futile, since bad players netdeck, but they don't understand the deck mechanics, so they still lose against good players even if they spend $500 on the making of a mirror deck...



also, every time you netdeck, god kills a kitten, and makes n00b pulling a secret rare... don't netdeck...

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Guest PikaPerson01

I would go as far to say that netdecking is for expierienced duelists only.

wrong' date=' experienced duelist creates their own formulas... otherwise corn monarchs wouldn't exist... experienced players don't need to netdeck...[/quote']


So here you say, experienced players don't need to netdeck.


netdecking is bad, because stops creativity among players, and is futile, since bad players netdeck, but they don't understand the deck mechanics, so they still lose against good players even if they spend $500 on the making of a mirror deck...


And here you say, only experienced duelists should netdeck.



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blah.netdecking.no.if i had the cards,id use em similairly,but not the same way as that deck.id change a few cards and put my personal touch on the deck.i generally know my cards well,and since my decks are so odd,it makes it hard for anyone but my close YGOing friends know what im going to do.no,i prefer mydeck to the meta's.me vs world,who's gonna win?

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the idea of net decking is to copy an top tie deck then change it slightly to ajust to a certain style of play. this is why net decking can only be achieved be experienced duelists, also mindless netdecking = mindless plays which your opponent will know how to deal with. that is why glad beast where so popular in tournaments, because their key move could be the same and your opponent did not know how to deal with the move.

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If you're good at the game, Duelist Groundz is actually a good place to net, because they only allow good and original decks to be posted.


As if every GB deck in existence right now wasn't at least partially netted, if not completely.


Netting FTK's/OTK's works for anyone that isn't a complete tool, this is fact.

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You should only netdeck if you know and understand why the deck works.


I would go as far to say that netdecking is for expierienced duelists only.


i think netdecking is bad for you as a player' date=' you improve as a deckmaker and player by making your own deck. And you will not be able to use the deck as good as the player who made it because he knows how the deck works est and all the strategies in it.



Agreed with the above posts

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