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sorry about fought plz don't consider it



What? Just Delete your post. It's beside the Edit button.

My card is based on Star Trek: Generations. Do you want/need me to change it?


You don't have to, but since the hoster's picky, I suggest you do, if you want to keep 5 points. I'm not going to, because I don't care too much about vanilla contests anyway.

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Yes I did: Personal Likes. You see I don't like cards to be from a series or something' date=' but it is stated in rules. Sometimes you have to read beyond the rules, and ratings and think what i meant (didn't mean as insult).



...Your avatar is extremely controversial...


And if you don't state specifically what you mean... You can't use that against people...


"Personal Likes" can be ANYTHING. You could say you liked candy, but you don't post that, and then everybody posts something else and you say "-5 for no candy"...


Please don't do something like that ever again.


...Don't want to have to request a specific rule to be in place JUST for this kind of thing...


Besides, if you did want to use that as an excuse, don't post it out loud, at least.

Look, personal likes can be everything you right but you're example is exagerated and stupid. Plus, if you do it based on a game, even if I did like it, story is not original which means I have to take poitns off. Because, if you copy a story that's going to take points off. And thanks to you, people have regained their Personal Likes points but will lose some of their Story points so well done. And if you think, it does make sense this time. Please stop arguing really.


Yes you can as long as story is not copied. I'll state that above, thank you for asking. I just don't want it copied from somewhere.


You guys can do up to three cards. Forget what I said about taking points off. I'l rate them individually k? Hope it's better.



Tetraslash stop creating a conflict and don't dare insulting normal monsters.

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Entry reserved.


EDIT: Here is my entry, wich, I am almost certain that I will change. I have a awsome pic, but, i'm trying to figure out what it's story will be ;)

In any case, this is what I got:




BTW, glad to see sombody still likes Normals. I have a plan to help these poor guys out if I get the chance to make a rule at a time, lol



Here is my 2nd card:




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Yankeefan used an overused pic? :O


I felt like more entries. So here they are.



Rats are more often than not on the bottom of the food chain. They do not complain, but simply go about their life doing rodent-y things. But every now and then, some act so horrifying will happen that the soul of the departed rat will seek his revenge. When that time comes, he must go through many trials to reach the Overealm, Land of the Shining Cheese, and request vengeance from the great Rat God.



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alvarosv - "Don't use cards from video games or movies."


I didn't see that in the original rules' date=' perhaps you should be a bit clearer next time, but I'm keeping my card there whether it breaks the rules or not.


First of all, doesn't break the rules. Second, I let you do a max of 3 cards for that reason, and normal monsters are hard to do (sometimes) but not that hard. You really don't need that much inspiration on a picture. So,... That explains all. Sorry for not posting in original rules. I'll do it next time. But still you had to suppose that the story was originality too so I did post it in rules. An original stroy is always better than an unoriginal one.


BTW, Yankeefan? It doesn't matter if pic used in other cards as long as not used twice in this contest.

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