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the end LOCK IT the rpg is finished


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undeadelfDEMON-*apears behind duelist hahah good bye *points bow at her*

pain- bequiet it cant sence if u dont move i think....


undeadwolfDEMON-err i just smelt that *walks off*

pain- *uses eye of vuldie*


pain- *runs into the forest and see through trees and see a group of warriors and knights from far away

pain- a castle! where theres a city! we have to go there



OCC: i can look through stuff XD

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pain- *walks int othe castle cali stay here *locks gate* and leaves cali behind

pain- *go up the stairs and sees a king


king- find the breachers and kill them


assintatior- yes sure

king- and bring me there bodys

pain- *walks in* says in mind: im so dum i have shapeshifting powers danget forgot!

king- go back and do wat ever u do

pain- *shapeshifts into a white knight

white knight (pain)-ok sure *eye of the vuldure*

assnitatior- *coffs of some blood* wat the hekk is happennign to me *throws bustes open* and head explodes wth it

king- kill him!


knights- go go go *grabs pain*

pain- *deadly outcome* all of the knights hearts bust open*

pain- *jumps off the window of the castle*

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guard- *stop right there* throws a needle at cali


OCC: cali the needle makes u go to sleep


pain- wth is wrong with u!

guard- *shoots a arrow at pain* hahah the arrow also makes his go to sleep idiots

pain- *nocks out*

guard- *grabs the mand puts then in a prison with chains* and disarms then with there weapons

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pain- its no work i can shapsift though *shape shifts into a snake* *turns back in pain


pain- im outside of the fate XD no keys though brb i need keys *grabs sword*

wait wheres my sword! errr go in and see guard


guard- man they so i guy sure get beaten bye us bad

guard 2- ye hhahaha

pain- deadly outcome

guard-*sword gos isnide of him*

guard 2- *heart bleeds*

pain- thats wat happens wen u mess with the best *grabs key* and unlocks kali chains and sees arew weapons *gets my armor puts on* and everything* and walks out *shapeshifts* in a chettah see u there (forest)


OCC: cali u can now shapeshift XD

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