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the end LOCK IT the rpg is finished


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Layfette runs into the woods seeing the wolves and pain he reaches into his quiver and pulls out and arrow and shoots it narely missing pain hits one of the wolves in its hind legs. Layfette yells"WTH u doing RUN!!!!!"


The phoenix looks up and flies onto a single branch on a tree. The phoneix focuses its narrow eyes and sees a wolf. (if it focuses hard enough he can see through Layfettes body and can see danger approaching)

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pain- *all of a sudden sees 15 wolfs circling all of us*

pain- *rushes at 1 and punches it in the face then stabs it

pain- *rushes at another and then suddlent 1 barely misses him wit ha scrach and he runs up a wall and chops off 6 of there heads and then suddleny 1 picked up a sword and started tryingto hit pain and he jumps into the air and slices the rest of the heads including the 1 with the sword

OCC: i g2g guys srry dont contunie this ok

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pain- *walks around* for a few min then all of a sudden humdreds of wolfves and vampires! start comin from the trees and the vampire and wolves are working togetthere and suddleny a vampire bites 2 villiager they turn in a vampire and they grow fangs and a wings!




OCC: my idea is comingup!

vampire- *attacks ashar*

wolf- *rushes at ashar*

wolf- *jumps on building grabs pain*


pain- *stabs him in the head*



OCC: im the only 1 that can control npc,s

pain- gets his arrow* and starts shooting raplidy!

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