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Death Valley - Zombie/Valley OTK


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I've been really excited about some of the deck's I've thought up in the past, though some of them unfortunately failed. Gigaplant Swarm I thought up when I first saw Gigaplant before it's release, and I was majorly excited about it. I'm not sure about whether any other duelists ever thought of a Zombie Valley Turbo or even put one to test before, but I've never been more excited about a deck I thought up without outside help since I created my first Gigaplant Swarm deck.



I was messing around and came up with this idea. The general scheme is to begin by loading the grave with Zombies. Once I have some Zombies in the grave, I can start bringing in Card of Safe Return to draw a load of cards, along with Cyber Valley. Lastly, I pull out a OTK with either Zombie Masters and Mezukis, or by RftDD'ing 3 Mezukis or something. Anything to win.


My first test play with this was spectacular. Once it set off, I drew about 20 cards, finishing up by using Valley's third effect to put Heavy Storm back on top of my deck, using Mezuki to Special Summon Zombie Master, draw 2 with 2 CoSR, play the Heavy Storm, swarm the field with Zombie Master and a DDR, and attack directly with 3 Zombie Master, 1 Mezuki, and 1 Goblin Zombie.


It's amazing how removing from play any of my Zombies with this deck will not result in a loss. I've got 3 DDR and 2 BfaDD to bring back Zombies and Valleys. Card Trooper only adds to the madness by dropping multiple Mezukis in to prepare for the OTK.


Goblin Zombie lets me overextend safely and get all my necessary zombies to complete my goal. I'm running three because I know I'll need all of them to be consistent and fearless.


Once Zombie World is released I'll have no fear of my Valleys being sent to the graveyard, and when CSOC is out, Plaguespreader will be mauling with Goyo.



3 Zombie Master

3 Goblin Zombie

3 Mezuki

1 Card Trooper

3 Cyber Valley


3 Allure of Darkness

1 Reasoning

1 Monster Gate

3 Book of Life

1 Monster Reborn

2 Burial from a Different Dimension

1 Card Destruction

2 Hand Destruction

2 Lightning Vortex

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Card of Safe Return

1 Machine Duplication


1 Mirror Force

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Return from the Different Dimension



2 DD Crow

1 Ryu Kokki

2 Pyramid Turtle

1 Jinzo

2 Caius the Shadow Monarch

3 Pulling the Rug

3 My Body as a Shield

1 Phantom of Chaos



So far, the main problem has been getting rid of Stardust Dragon, so I'm thinking of maining a Crow or two, but since I have Reasoning and Monster Gate and such, I'm not sure about it.


Wishing Card Trooper, Reasoning, Monster Gate were unlimited,



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needs karma cuts for stardust (maybe even sided)

2 is fine.


PWWB >Karma Cut


Because by sending Stardust Dragon back to the Extra Deck doesn't give Your opponent the chance to summon Him again? Where when it's removed from play, Your opponent can't easily get it back.


@ Deck: Definitely needs a way of stopping Stardust. Crows, and Karma Cut would work nicely I guess. Otherwise, I love the look of it. What did You playtest it against anyways?

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