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Spies and Doubleagents! Rate and Comment!


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These are some cards that I just can't get out of my head. (Based off of "The Inexperienced Spy")


The Brute Spy


Warrior / Effect

Level 4

ATK: 1900

DEF: 800

When this card attacks, show 2 cards in your hand to your opponent. Your opponent must then show 1 card in his/her hand. If this card is shown to your opponent from your hand by the effect of a "Spy" monster, discard this card from your hand to inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent.


The Apprentice Stealth Spy


Level 4

Warrior / Effect

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1200

When this card is selected as an attack target, show 3 cards in your hand to your opponent. Your opponent must then show 2 cards in his/her hand. If this card is shown to your opponent from your hand by the effect of a "Spy" monster, discard this card from your hand and 1 "Spy" monster you control to Special Summon 1 "The Stealth Spy" from your deck.


The Stealth Spy


Level 6

Warrior / Effect

ATK: 1800

DEF: 2000

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. When this card is selected as a target by a Spell, Trap, or monster effect, negate it. Your opponent must then show 1 card in his/her hand. If this card is shown to your opponent from your hand by the effect of a "Spy" monster, remove it from play.


The Magical Spy


Level 5

Spellcaster / Effect

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1000

When this card is Normal Summoned, show 1 card in your hand to your opponent. Your opponent must then show 2 cards in his/her hand. Each time you activate a Normal Spell Card, your opponent must then show 1 card in his/her hand. If this card is shown to your opponent from your hand by the effect of a "Spy" monster, treat this card as a Continuous Spell Card with the effect, "Once per turn, during your Main Phase, show 1 card in your current hand to your opponent. Your opponent must then show 1 card in his/her hand." and place it face-up on your side of the field.


The Greedy Spy


Warrior / Effect

Level 2

ATK: 100

DEF: 100

During your opponent's Standby Phase, send your current hand to the Graveyard. Your opponent must then show his/her current hand. If this card is shown to your opponent from your hand by the effect of a "Spy" monster, draw 1 card.


The Reckless Spy


Warrior / Effect

Level 1

ATK: 0

DEF: 0

If this card is shown to your opponent from your hand by the effect of a "Spy" monster, flip a coin. oHeads: Your opponent must show his/her current hand. oTails: You must show your current hand to your opponent.


The Clown-Around Spy


Warrior / Effect

Level 1

ATK: 0

DEF: 0

If this card would be sent to the Graveyard, send it to your hand instead. If this card is shown to your opponent from your hand by the effect of a "Spy" monster, send this card to the Graveyard to increase your Life Points by 100 for each face-up "Spy" monster you control.


The Nine-Out-of-Ten Spy


Fiend / Effect

Level 8

ATK: 2400

DEF: 2300

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by showing your hand (the amount of cards in your hand must be at least 5) and top 5 cards of your deck to your opponent. Your opponent then removes from play 5 of those cards, and rearranges the remaining cards in any order they choose. Then the remaining cards are placed on top of your deck. When you activate a Spell, Trap, or monster effect, your opponent randomly selects 1 card in his/her hand and removes it from play. If your opponent has no cards in his/her hand, you may halve this card's ATK to attack your opponent directly until the End Phase.


The Snipeskilled Doubleagent


Warrior / Effect

Level 4

ATK: 1600

DEF: 1200

This card cannot be Summoned. Treat this card as a Continuous Spell Card, that can only be played on your opponent's side of the field, with the following effect: Once per turn, destroy 1 monster with the highest ATK or DEF on your side of the field. Increase your Life Points by the Level of the monster x100.


The Spellkiller Doubleagent


Spellcaster / Effect

Level 4

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1000

This card cannot be Summoned. Treat this card as a Continuous Spell Card, that can only be played on your opponent's side of the field, with the following effect: While this card is in your Spell & Trap Zone, no other Spell or Trap Cards except "Doubleagent" Spell Cards can be placed in your Spell & Trap Zone. Destroy all existing Spell & Trap Cards in your Spell & Trap Zone, except this card, during the turn this card is activated. For each empty Spell & Trap Zone slot, during your Standby Phase, increase your Life Points by the number of open slots x500.


The Murdered Doubleagent


Zombie / Effect

Level 4

ATK: 0

DEF: 0

This card cannot be Summoned. Treat this card as a Equip Spell Card, that can only be played on your opponent's side of the field, with the following effect: This card can only be equipped to a Level 6 or lower monster on your side of the field. Destroy the equipped monster during the End Phase of the turn this card was activated. Take direct damage equal to the equipped monster's ATK.


Please tell me what you think! Rate and comment! ^^

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