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Alright here's my second contest.



1. Only 1 and 2 starred members may enter.

2. You must post 3 cards, no more, no less.

3. It must be 1 Monster, 1 Spell and 1 Trap.

4. The 3 cards must have something to do with each other.

5. Your grammar and OCG must be as good as possible.



Some of you might have noticed its a similar set of rules to as in my first contest.



1st 3 Reps

2nd 2 Reps

3rd 1 Rep


Ending Date:

When i have 10 entries.


Extra Messages:

1. I will be judging the cards myself.

2. The reason for the low level entries is because i suspect that they dont have that many reps and when they win some reps it will help them on their road to becoming succesful members.



1. Flinsbon

2. Raiu

3. grevebrothers

4. lightdiversion

5. ohgodwhy!

6. SaintAmour

7. kid23

8. Ryuchan

9. arkel

10. The_Weasel_46

11. James Hitchen

12. milian579

13. darkgodzilla

14. johnist

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Entry reserved.

Here's my entry. If you can't figure out how they relate, feel free to PM me so I can explain it. Also note: "Dark Insect Token" is not part of my entry, but I had to make it a seperate card since it wouldn't fit on "Darkscythe Insectoid."



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Guest darkgodzilla

here are mine


"Blue-Eyes Shinning Dragon"+"Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon"

This monster cannot be special summoned except by Fusion summon.This monster counts as both Light and Dark type.This card gains 300 ATK and DEF points for every dragon in your field and graveyard.When destroyed,you can special summon the fusion material monsters.



if u dont like these 3 cause the spell and trap dont specificize my dragon i have these





i dont own any of these pictures. i used google and searched for dragon,yin yang,godzilla,and melt down godzilla.

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