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Dark Synchro Version 2 (Update of Version 1)


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I tried to update my last Dark Synchro deck, i dont know how its really worked. Any comments / fixes are appriciated


Monsters: 22

x1 Armageddon Knight

x1 Marauding Captian

x2 Dark Lucius LV8

x2 EvH Malicious Edge

x1 Caius the Shadow Monarch

x2 Counselor Lily

x2 Junk Synchron

x2 Krebons

x2 EH Sparkman

x1 EH Bladedge

x1 EH Wildheart

x3 Quillbolt Hedgehog

x2 Speed Warrior


Spells: 15

x2 Dark Fusion

x1 Poly

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 MST

x1 Heavy Strom

x2 Synchro Boost

x1 Synchro Blast Wave

x3 The Warrior Returning Alive

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Shallow Grave

x1 Axe of Despair


Traps: 3

x2 Threatening Roar

x1 Negate Attack


Extra Deck: 9

x1 SDD

x2 Junk Warrior

x2 Thought Ruler Archfiend

x2 EvH Malicious Fiend

x1 EH Wildedge

x1 EH Plasma Vice

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I would build this, my opinion, fixes'll prolly be made by other people :)

Zombie Synchro, not too expensive, but hard to get all the same :(


Monsters - 21

3x Zombie Master

3x Armageddon Knight

2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3x Pyramid Turtle

3x Mezuki

3x Dark Resonator (To be replaced with plaguespreader when it cometh)

1x Snipe Hunter

3x Ryu Kokki (To be replaced with REZD when it comes)


Spells - 15

3x Burial From A Different Dimension

3x Book Of Life

1x Monster Reborn

3x Instant Fusion

2x Foolish Burial

3x Allure Of Darkness


Traps - 4

3x Solemn Judgment

1x Mirror Force


Extra Deck: 15

2x Stardust Dragon

2x Goyo Guardian

2x Nitro Warrior

3x Reaper On The Nightmare

3x Dragoness The Wicked Knight

3x Karbonala Warrior


Side Deck: 15

3x Light Imprisoning Mirror

3x Nitro Synchron

3x Caius The Shadow Monarch

3x Kinetic Soldier

3x Prohibition


Hope I helped :)

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