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First Custom Deck by Me (Epic Fail Attempt)


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This is my first custom deck. It was pretty much an epic fail, though, even though I pound my cousins every time I play them in a 4000 LP duel. I lost my Winged Kuriboh LV10 at My cousins house when I last went there, so I am working on buying one off the net and searching their house once a week. I know this is probably the worst deck you've ever seen, but, it pretty much destroys all of my cousins. This deck isn't really based off anything, its just full of powerhouses. Since I dont have many 4 stars I can tribute for Panther Warrior to attack, I just leave him there as a guard in ATK mode. In one duel against my cousin, my hand was: Rocket Warrior, Malevolent Nuzzler, Lightning Blade, Hammer Shot, and Trap Hole. So, Rocket Warrior had 1500 + 700 + 800 ATK in one turn, and I had Trap hole and Hammer shot face down for when he used his Kaiser Sea Horse to tribute for one of his godly 7-star Light monsters (Forget What its called)


Normal Monsters:

Blue Eyes White Dragon x1

Dark Blade x1

Luster Dragon x1

Red-Eyes Black Dragon


Effect Monsters:

Byser Shock x1

Dark Ruler Ha Des x1

Exarion Universe x1

Guardian Grarl x1

Helpoemer x1

Insect Queen x1

Kaiser Sea Horse x1 (Used to summon Blue Eyes with only 2 monster tributes ^^)

Panther Warrior x1

Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon x1

Rocket Warrior x1

Shadow Ghoul x1

Sword Hunter x1

Vampire Lord x1

Winged Kuriboh x1


Magic Cards:

Card Shuffle x1

Demotion x1 (I have never understood how this card REALLY works. Could someone tell me what it does? I usually set it on the field face down, tribute Kaiser Sea horse alone, summon Blue eyes white dragon, and equip it to blue eyes white dragon so it only requires 2 tributes)

Gravity Axe Grarl x1

Hammer Shot x1

Horn of the Unicorn x1

Lightning Blade x1

Malevolent Nuzzler x2

Monster Reborn x2

Pot of Greed x3

Sebek's Blessing x1

Sword of Dragon's Soul x1


Trap Cards:

Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Curse of Anubis x1

Needle Wall x1

Pharaoh's Treasure x1

Reinforcements x1

Robbin' Zombie x1

Sakuretsu Armor x1

Spellbinding Circle x1

Trap Hole x1

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