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this is a good deck in 2 ways:

good def and atk

does lots of life point dmg in one turn without direct atks


mutant mind master 1

castle gate 1

d hero departed 2

d hero dunker 2

shadow priestess of ohm 1

gemini lancer 1cyber ouroboros 1

the trojen horse 1

fire trooper 1

goblin recon squad 1

d hero dread servent 1 (just to remove from play for some effects.)

combo fighter 1

venjeful shinobi 1

the immortal bushi 1

blu thunder t45 2


17 monsters


mst (mystical space typhoon) 1

reinforcements of army 1

cyclone blade 1

unleash ur power 1

chain strike 1

mystical wind typhoon 1

the warrior returnin alive 2

super doble summon 1

chain summon 1

reasonin 1

acidic downpoor 1

vicious claw 1

allure of darkness 1

linear exalaratr cannon 1

spell cronincle 1


16 spels


d chain 1

dust tornado1

d fortune 1

comp evac device 1

robin goblin 1


traps 5


help will be apreciated




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It lacks synergy. I dont see this working. You should choose 1 theme or strategy and not try to make a hybrid-type deck. Those usually never work. There are only some that can. Cyberdarks for example use Dragons and Machines (the Cyberdark Monsters) and Dark Gaia use Rock and Fiend Type Monsters as well as their fusion Evil Hero Dark Gaia. Archetype decks (Lightsworn and Gladiator Beasts for example) use a theme.

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That is BS. The GB, CB, E Hero and Ev Hero decks were probably built wrong. There is no way this could win against a properly built Hero, GB or CB deck. Especially when your deck lacks the synergy and cards to work properly. Im being serious here. My old, old Chaos Deck (which is getting rebuilt and I use in Traditional) even though it wasnt a full on Chaos Control or Yata-Lock deck was still able to win because its not like it lacked DARK or LIGHT Monsters for it to run properly but that isnt really the point. There is no way this deck can beat a properly built Hero, GB, CB, DB or whatever decks are solid or good these days (made the last one up).

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ok thnx any way ill inprove it now and can u plz tell me how to delete multiple cards at the smae time if u no thnx


You should start by picking a good theme. Now DARK based themes are generally expensive to build. One Allure wont make much difference in here and 1 RotA is the same deal. If you plan on running RotA, run it at 3. You can do that now as it is no longer Semi-Limited.


Before we can go any further what is your budget. DARK-based builds are very expensive and if you dont have the money, you shouldnt really bother with them.

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