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Failed attempt at Making Deck


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Please Rate give advice and help if you can, Please try to be considerate I can tell it fails but Can anyone even Help make it slightly better.


Monsters 22 ((Most can be replaced))

Shield Warrior x1

Queen's Knight x1

King's Knight x1

Jack's Knight x1

Morphing Jar x1

NS Mole x1

Stratos x1

DH-Diamond Dude x1

Herald Of Creation x1

DH- Defender x1

Prisma x1

TH Behemoth x1

Luster Dragon x1

Neos x1

DH- Dasher x1

Plasma x1

Dogma x1

Kuraz x1

Blue Eyes x1 ((random))

DM x1

Armed LV 5 x1

Bladedge x1


Spells 11 ((again easily replaced))

Mausoleum x1

Monster Reborn x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Future Fusion x1

MST x1

Brain Control x1

Exchange x1 ((Can be Replaced Easily))

Heavy Storm x1

Double Attack x1

Trade-In x1

Ribbon Of Rebirth x1


Traps 8

Soul Rope x1

MF x1

Waboku x1

Negate Attack x1

Tragedy x1

Destruction Jammer x1

Defense Draw x1

Kunai With Chain x1


Extra Deck 5


Grand Neos

Ojama King


Storm Neos


Note most of these cards can be replaced for better ones, I just need a little help with this

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1 neos

1 cyber dragon


3 alius

1 stratos

1 prisma

1 breaker

2 wildheart

1 snipe hunter

1 dd warrior lady

1 exiled force

1 sangan

1 neo spacian grand mole

1 morphing jar

1 spirit reaper



1 monster reborn

1 heavy storm

1 mystical space typhoon

1 brain control

1 lightning vortex

1 smashing ground

1 nobleman of crossout

2 shrink

2 book of moon

3 reinforcement of the army



1 MF

1 TT

1 trap dustshoot


2 karma cut

2 hero blast


Play this. No cards are hard to get and if they are (like mirror force) they were on your previous list so I guessed you have them.

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