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EH Ocean question

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The fact that you're asking this question proves that you don't understand why Skill Drain doesn't negate cards like Exiled Force. Whether a monster's effect is negated by Skill Drain depends on whether that monster is on the field when the effect resolves. It has nothing whatsoever to do with whether it targets a card in the graveyard.


Locked, under the "NO DUMB QUESTIONS" rule.'


...and unlocked again, because Andrew's too hilarious. Check this out:


OK that was uncalled for' date=' locking my thread. I don't know the ruling of Ocean, bc UDE never posted one!!!


Ppl like you really piss me off!!! All you do is give smart ass comments on ppl who are still learning the game! If I were you, Crab, I would change your attitude and be more considerate and more sensative about other ppl.


EH Andrew



I can't read half of what he wrote here, but I think he said something along the lines of "I don't know how to play and didn't bother to read the card effects, but it's UDE's fault and therefore it's your fault". Of course, this is a rough translation.

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Since it isn't a cost than skill drain negates it


Nono, Skill Drain checks if the card is face-up on the field when it resolves.

The cost of Exiled Force can make sure that it isn't on the field at that time, which is why he can still use his effect.

If the cost discards a card, like Zombie Master, then you're just screwed, because Zombie Master is still face-up on the field.

Get it?

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