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Trap / Spell Monsters Contest (Finished, Please Lock and Move)


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Because the last contest (Non-Specific Fusion Monsters) didn`t go so well, I decided to improvise a bit.


In this contest, you will be making Trap / Spell Monsters.


Probably the most well known is Abodiment of Aphopis, from the duel involving Odion and Joey. However, there are several more Trap monsters besides AOA, and there are also Spell Monsters, which behave in similar ways.


Here are two examples of this concept:




1st - 4 Reps and exclusive sneak peeks at future NineteenHundred cards in the making. (Via PM)

2nd - 1 Reps

3rd - 1 Rep


And, as usual, the most important:

General Rules:

- Use good grammar and spelling.

- Keep the cards as balanced as possible.

- Make the art fit the card.

- No inappropriate content whatsoever.

- Add a disclaimer if you got it from an art site such as deviantART.

- I would prefer a maximum of 2 cards be posted, but feel free to post more.


Trap / Spell Monsters Contest Rules:

- Cards can be Trap or Spell cards. The type of monster the Trap / Spell is treated as can be a Normal or Effect monster. (and, if you want to get tricky, use a sub-type like Gemini or Spirit)

- The highest ATK / DEF value allowed in this contest is 3000.


Cards are due by September 16th.


You must have at least 20 posts to participate in this contest.


So I wish you good luck, and have fun!


Reserved List




Partly Finished


Finished List


Silent Hunter™

DX Games

Steven Cope


the alpha



*The asterisks indicate that there is a possibility of a new card, but no guarantee. Once the end date is reached, and you haven`t posted your next card(s) yet, you will automatically be moved to the Finished List.

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Entry Reserved :D

EDIT: I've changed my entry and made it holo. So here it is ^_^


[align=center]Levition' date=' Volcanic Magma Golem[/u']


Activate this card by paying 1000 Life Points. After activation, Special Summon this card in Attack Position; it is treated as an Effect Monster Card (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 5/ATK 2100/DEF 1600). When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, your opponent draws cards equal to the Level of the destroyed monster, and then discards the same amount of cards from their hand. (This card is treated as a Trap Card)


Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

Medium OCG was used

Good Luck to everyone in this contest

Hope Ya Like It

:D :) :mrgreen: ^_^ XD

~Silent Hunter

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u can now edit ur 1st post I have the 9th card for my entry posted now.


Also Zaca and Xtremelymean: Those entries of yours aren't spell/trap monsters. If u want to stand against me, Silent Hunter and Chidori (The top 3 currently in this contest), then ur going to have to actually make spell/trap monsters. Hope this helps.

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