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Sober (LS Zombie Synchro for those who won't look)

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There's a shadow just behind me,

shrouding every step I take

making every promise empty

pointing every finger at me

Waiting like a stalking butler,

who upon the finger rests

Murder now the path is must we

just because the son has come..


Jesus, won't you f*cking whistle

something but the past and done?

Jesus, won't you f*cking whistle

something but the past and done...


Why can't we not be sober?

I just want to start this over

Why can't we dream forever?

I just want to start things over


I am just a worthless liar

I am just an imbecile

I will only complicate you

Trust in me and fall as well

I will find a center in you,

I will chew it up and leave

I will work to elevate you...

just enough to bring you down


Mother Mary won't you whisper

something but the past and done

Mother Mary won't you whisper

something but the past and done?


Why can't we not be sober?

I Just want to start this over

Why can't we sleep forever?

I Just want to start things over...


I am just a worthless liar

I am just an imbecile

I will only complicate you

Trust in me and fall as well

I will find a center in you

I will chew it up and leave


Trust me

Trust me

Trust me

Trust me

Trust Me...


Why can't we not be sober?

I Just want to start things over

Why can't we sleep forever?

I Just want to start this over


I want what I want

I want what I want

I want what I want

I want what I want


Screw tying out non-competitive decks. Stuff like Twilight, Malicious Cycle and LS zombie is way more fun.


Monsters: 19





tribute with 1 trib if it's a zombie, you gain control of any zombie he kills in battle




3x Lumina

3x Lyla

1x Ehren

3x ZM

3x Plaguespreader

3x Mezuki

2x Pyramid Turtle


Spells: 21

3x Book of Life

2x Charge of the Light Brigade

2x CoSR

3x Zombie World

2x Lightning Vortex

3x Solar Recharge

1x Reborn

1x Storm

1x Trunade

1x Terraforming

1x Brain Control


Traps: 2

1x MF

1x CCV


Extra: 15

3x Stardust

3x Goyo

3x Deathkaiser






plaguespreader + non-tuner

when summoned take control of 1 zombie in your opponent's grave

if he leaves the field the zombie goes too




3x Ressurected King Ha Des






negate effects of monsters destroyed by zombies




3x Brionac

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