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Who Would Win?


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That´s even stupider than MY question! Omega Shenron!


Janemba(Final Form' date=' when he´s red and have a tail) Vs Hirudegarn



OMG! Nuuuh! Brolly has the power to gain huge amounts of power each 5 minutes, let him live 1 week in his LSSJ form he would kick the crap out of everybody's ass!


Janemba would win, way faster ability to travel trough other dimensions.


Nuova Shenron Vs syn Shenron

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yugi {links brain will go ka-boom}


chuck norris vs. barrack obama

[spoiler=some hints :-)]

1.If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.


2.There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.

3.Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.

4.Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.

5.Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip.

6.Chuck Norris is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.

7.Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

8.Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.


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