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Dark Secrets: Darkness Forever *PG-13


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Dark looked at Stein, he was pissed. "I won't kill you, not toady." Dark placed his gun back into the pocket of his coat and walked away, leaving Stein alone in the hall. Outside a military type jeep was riding around the base, alerting any remaining souls to leave the base in the next minute via a large mega phone. "I be taking this if you don't mind, but hell even if you do." Dark shot the 2 Darkness Soldiers that occupied the van, got in, and made an alert of his own. "STEVEN! GET THE !@%$ OUT OF THERE NOW!" Dark continued to call for his partner, the PA system announced 1 minute left.


The Unknown Helicopter that had landed in front of Jeanne and the others was headed back to the city, everyone on board. The sound of the helicopter so loud talking was made difficult. Jeanne glanced at the man who had come to their aid, but as soon as he looked at her she turned her attention to the window. "My names Shade. I work for an upper level rank of the Unknown. Dark's Underground Initiative didn't pan out so well. That's why I'm here, to clean up his mess." Shade said no more to Jeanne after that. Exactly what is Shade's tie to Dark? Was the question on Jeanne's mind.

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OoC: You can delete the previous (#202) post now that I've posted.


Stein watched as Dark walked away from him yet did not chase after him; "Ha... Spineless coward" he muttered under his breath as he turned away from Dark and slowly walked back towards the office he was once in. As he reached the office door, the hallways were dead quiet as people rushed to evacuate. Inside the office he walked over to a portrait of the Leader of the Darkness and threw it off of the wall before punching his fist through the wall; behind the wall there was a tunnel leading to the long-since forgotten catacombs of the city...


Meanwhile Steven was moving slowly through the building looking for Dark and found himself back outside the office and there was no sign of Dark. Suddenly over the PA system came the message "STEVEN! GET THE !@%$ OUT OF THERE NOW!" and he immedately recognised the voice as Dark's. *Of course he's outside* he thought viciously to himself almost angrily at the fact as the pre-recorded voice over the PA system announce 1 minute to destruction, but instead of rushing away Steven peered into the office through a crack in the door and saw Stein and his eyes grew wide.


*STEIN!?* he thought quizzingly to himself as he watched Stein walked down the stairs to the catacombs. As Stein left view Steven quickly moved into the office and carefully (espionage style) stared down into the passageway. *All clear, and Stein's not the suicidal kind* he thought to himself as he carefully followed him down into the catacombs as the PA voice said "Self-Destruction in....



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Dark watched the base crumble, his eyes wide open. Smoke, flames, and debris were all that could be seen. "No... no... STEVEN! You bastard why didn't you get out in time? YOU SHOULD HAVE MADE IT!!" Dark gave a moment of silence for his friend, his head down. A moment later Dark started up the Jeep and drove off, fire in his eyes. *The Underground is gone, destroyed, and so are my teammates. I hate to say it, but I need his help. Shade.* Dark continued down the road leading to the city. Little did Dark know, he would be greeted by Shade. But who said all greetings would be nice.


Back at Dark's hideout, Shade along with Jeanne sat in a small conference room. Nothing was said, but Jeanne was curious about something. "The Others." She said softly under her breath. "They are no longer needed." Shade responded swiftly before getting up and leaving the room. He was headed to the front door, his arms folded. He was waiting for someone, Dark.

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Jeanne was sitting in the conference room staring down at the ground thinking about how Steven and Dark had not returned yet, and that there had been no word from either of them. *Where could you be?* she thought softly and concernedly as she began to well up (almost crying), but quickly shook off this feeling as she stood up and left the conference room, heading in the opposite direction to Shade...


Meanwhile Stein continued along the catacombs underneath the city, unfazed by the drastically uninhabitable surroundings of the area. In the air there was the putrid smell of death and you could hear in his pocket the sound of a Geiger Counter screeching. *Can't stick around here for long* he thought calmly without missing a step *I can't survive in this level of radiation for long without some adverse effects* he continued to think as he made his way deeper and deeper into the depths of the underground catacombs... with Steven slowly and stealthily behind him...

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The city is quiet, soundless. Although the sun shines strong above the city the feeling of darkness still surrounds the corners of every street. Dark arrives at his hide out, he has replaced his shades with new ones and removed his coat, now only wearing a black short sleeve shirt. As he walks up to the door he is sees shade. "Nice to see your well and alive, Dark." Those were the first words spoken as Dark entered the building. "Shade what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be watching over a different division?" Dark sat in a near by chair and brought is head back, staring at the ceiling.


Shade sat in another chair next to Dark. "This is the S.T.O. Division of the Unknown. You were empowered to construct a task force, the Underground Initiative. You've lost your entire team. I was sent here to take over the operation. You are no longer a in charge of leading missions, you've been demoted." Dark's heart raced as he heard what Shade said. "But... I need to lead this operation--ITS MY RESPONSIBILITY!" Dark's eyes started to glow once again, violent red. In a few days we will be relocating to Unknown labs, its in some old neighborhoods on the west side of town.

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Steven continued along following Stein at a safe distance through the catacombs under the city. *Where the hell is he going?* Steven thought to himself as Stein continued slowly through the radioactive zone in the catacombs. Suddenly Stein stopped dead in his tracks and Steven shot behind the nearest pillar to take cover; he crouched down and pressed his body against the pillar as flat as possible to minimize the chances of detection as Stein turned his upper body around slightly to look behind him. There was a deathly silence as the two stood and Steven waited for Stein to move again, however in the deathly silence he could hear a strange screeching noise coming from Stein's direction.


*That screech... a Geiger Counter?* he pondered quickly as the noise began to drill into his mind. Suddenly the sound began getting further away as Stein ran fast through the catacombs, and Steven rushed after him. As they ran further and further Stein suddenly stopped and pressed a button on his jacket before throwing his jacket behind him. Steven rushed and stepped on the jacket and as he passed by it, the jacket exploded and crumbled the floor around it, sending Steven hurtling down into the Darkness, deeper into the catacombs... while Stein continued rushing through the maze of tunnels, now with Geiger Counter in hand...


Meanwhile back at Dark's hideout, Jeanne walked forward towards Dark and Shade as Dark looked angryily at Shade and Shade stared back coldly. "Dark... what's going on?" she asked sympathetically...

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Dark still locked eyes with Shade. "Were relocating in a couple of days, Ive been demoted, and... I'm sorry but... Steven is dead." Dark put his head down in shame as he told Jeanne the bad news. "You have no one to blame but your self Dark. You are the one who joined the Unknown, you were responsible for everyone's lives." With that said, Shade left the building, Jeanne and Dark left alone. The silence was relaxing to Dark, but yet painful as he thought about his failure to save Steven.


OoC: This is getting good. Is Steven alive!?

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Jeanne stood staring at the ground with wide eyes, shocked at Dark's news about Steven's demise. "Impossible" she said softly under her breath as her eyes welled up, but very quickly she couldn't control it and she began to cry uncontrollably as she fell to her knees and held her arms, as if feeling cold; "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screeched sharply at the top of her lungs as the tears continued to pour from her eyes. She placed her hands on her eyes and began to try and control her tears, as Dark walked over to her compassionately...


Meanwhile Steven was lying on the rubble of the ground destroyed by Stein's jacket, and his eyes were closed and blood was pouring down his face. His bones were broken from the fall and he was not only bleeding from his head but from almost all over his body. He slowly and partially opened his eyes and could only see (through his blood-soaked eyes) was a strange and clearly abandoned laboratory. He looked around and noticed various pods, most open, and inside the pods was a strange Battle Suit and (to his amazement) seemed to recognize it. He crawled as fast as he could towards one of these pods, his body slowly healing and allowing him to stand up and (with great struggle and perseverance) put the suit on...


OoC: Just so you know he put the suit on because his original clothing was destroyed in the explosion.

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Jeanne tried to hold back the tears but to no avail. Dark could do nothing more feel guilty for what happened. "I promise you. I promise you that Steven will be avenged, even if I have to burn this city to the ground!" Dark ran off into the garage of vehicles and chose yet another sports car. Starting the engine up, and then taking off. His eyes still burning red, the only things he could think about were the explosion of the base and Jeanne's tears. Dark's driving becomes more reckless, he makes his way to a bridge. *Its all my fault. I have responsibilities, I was the one. I FU@&ED EVERYTHING UP!* Dark continued to assault himself with guilt, that is until it overflowed. "AAAAHHHH!!!!" The car swerved across the bridge until it broke through the guard rail, plummeting into the water.

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Steven was stood up in the pod that he found (and put on) this strange suit in, which for reasons he cannot explain looked so familiar to him. He continued standing in the pod with his eyes closed, leaning against the back of the charred back board of the pod... relaxing before moving out again................................................ Suddenly he felt numerous sharp, stabbing pains in his Head, Neck, Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet. *What the... the suit is sticking needles in me!* he thought frantically as he attempted to move his body to take the suit off, however to his shock he was incapable to move his body.


*Paralysed?! No... rigor mortis* he mind raced as the needles continued to inject an unknown substance into the vital portions of his body, and - after 2 or 3 seconds of injections - the needles eventually left his body (as did the rigor) and he slumped to the ground, panting heavily. He stood to his feet slowly and as he opened his eyes he noticed that the visor in front of him was now powered up and a message on it read:


~Warning. Power low, require recharge immediately~


*I need to get back to the hideout... maybe the Tech Guys will know about the suit* Steven thought to himself quickly as he looked around for a means of escape, and as he did the warning message was replaced by a map of the known area. "So this thing responses to thoughts. Cool" he said softly and a smiled formed on his face as he began to run through the nearby doorway towards the nearest exit point...


Meanwhile Stein was now outside of the catacombs on the city streets. He placed his fingers against his ear and twisted them clockwise (changing frequency); ~Any Darkness transciever in the area... Come in. This is Stein~ he said over his radio...

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At the Outpost an agent responded, not a Darkness agent. "Your screwed. I have your location as we speak. Me and you are gonna' have some fun." Dark was soaked. He managed to swim to land. Even he was surprised that the accident didn't kill him. *You screwed up. I've been tapping into Darkness radio waves just waiting for you to call in. NOW YOUR MINE!* Dark was in a black van that he acquired from a patrolling Darkness agent. There was only one thing on Dark's mind: REVENGE.


Shade was in his car. Searching throw his computer, navigating his way through a map of the city. "Sir, uh we have word that Dark is pursuing an Unknown." Shade closed out the map to reveal an Unknown agent on screen. "Send all available units to his location. If he resits capture--kill him." Shade closed his computer and placed his hands on the steering wheel. *You brake the rules. There's no going back, Dark.* Shade backed out of the parking lot off the hide out and drove off.

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Stein smiled maniacally as he heard Dark's angry speech over the headset "Hahahahahahahahahahaha! You want me Dark........ THEN COME AND GET ME!" he shouted back at him savagely and his psychotic laughter resonated around the empty, cold, deserted streets of the city. Just then he stopped laughing, stuck a sharp pin into his ear, plucking the inner ear transceiver that Dark was tracking and dropped it on the ground at his feet. "If you think I'm gonna wait around for you Dark, you're a bigger fool than I thought" he whispered under his breath softly and he walked away, deep into the Darkness of the side alleys...


Meanwhile Steven continued to run through the catacombs, following the map as much as he can to find the exit to the catacombs. Water dripped slowly from the ceiling and landed on his body and soon after he could smell something strange in the air. "What's that smell?" he asked himself calmly (as if unaffected by the putrid smell) "Smells like... death" he suddenly became very concerned by where he thought he was. He began running as hard as he could along the path *I need to get out of here fast* he thought to himself and suddenly he began to run faster; 50% faster than he was running before, yet his vision was not impaired.


Quickly he was able to exit from the catacombs and his fears were realised, his exit from the catacombs led him into the Hot Zone in the city. *The Hot Zone... Not good* he thought as he stared over at the toxic waste dump of radioactive material and dead bodies. Quickly he ran (as fast as he was before) up the embankment, heading South towards the Unknown Hideout with the city map on the HUD...

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Dark drives through the streets of the city with a ghostly presence. He takes a deep breath and the exhales. *Stien had a way out of the base. There had to be some kind of escape route he took.* Still thinking of Stien's way out of the explosion an idea came to him. He started to navigate through the computer of the van he stole. *Bingo!* Dark had by passed security codes, and managed to find blue prints for the base. "Catacombs. That's how he did it, but..." Before Dark could continue the screen froze then went black, 2 Unknown vans pulled up close to him.


Dark pulled over to the side walk and jumped out, running for his life. Couincidently the place he stopped was also where Stein was last. "Let's see if this will work." Dark unhooked a black light from his belt and etered the ally way. The light revealed foot steps, green footsteps to be exact. *The catacombs you ran through--picked up some small trace amounts of radiation on the way through.* Dark proceeded into the dark alley way, alone.


The 2 Unknown vans pulled up towards Dark's hijacked vehicle. Dark was long gone by that point. "Sir, we lost him. What should we do now?" An agent waited for Shade to responed. "Were going ahead to Unknown Labs, station a full strike team at his base, and any other area he may use. I want updates every 2 hours. Is that clear?" Shade's voice calm yet still enraged that Dark engaged in a pursuit without permission. Back at the hideout, Jeanne was taken into Unknown custody.

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Jeanne stared at the soldiers sent to take her into custody with now calm eyes, but she was still upset over the news of Steven's death. "Get up! We've been ordered to take you into custody" the lead soldier said and Jeanne reciprocated without hesitation, standing to her feet and being led away unrestrained by the soldiers, who were now encircling her. They continued on towards the holding area with Jeanne still not resisting, but as they crossed over a large area (with many levels) the soldiers suddenly were shot from multiple directions, and killed instantly. Jeanne ducked to avoid the gunfire and with it all over she stood up calmly and brushed the specks of blood off her face; "Nice of you to show up" she said calmly as she began rummaging in the pockets of the dead guards for guns, ammo and other supplies...


Steven continued along the streets of the city heading at full speed towards the Unknown Hideout, unaware of anything that was going on between Stein and Dark, Dark and Shade and Shade and Jeanne. He stopped and ducked into an alley, hiding behind a skip as he saw a Darkness patrol coming around the corner. *I can't risk being seen now, especially in this suit* he thought as he caught his breath and waited for the patrol to pass. As the truck moved passed the alleyway, a loud gunshot could be heard and the truck exploded into flames. Steven began to move back out onto the road and as he stepped onto the pavement (about to begin running again), a second shot could be heard and a bullet struck Steven...


Meanwhile Stein continued to run through the alleyways, weaving in and out and knew that Dark was following him. *Dark won't be too far behind me, he's quicker than me and will be on top of me soon* he thought to himself as he began pulling wheely bins, trash skips ect. behind him in an attempt to slow Dark down...


OoC: Supreme don't catch or stop Stein in your next post cause I have an idea for him, but I want to do it in my next post.

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Back on the streets, about a dozen Unknown agents rummaged through the van. Searching for anything Dark had his hands on. Shade arrived moments later, barely coming to a stop before getting out of his car. "So what do you have?" Shade approached the head of the CSI team, his eyes a blaze and his voice deep. Almost demonic. "He hacked Darkness Blue Prints from his recent mission. He also hacked Darkness Radio Transmissions, someone named Stein seems to be who he's after." The investigator walked back over to the van, continuing the search. Shade, at that moment, received word that Jeanne's arrest had been jeopardized by a yet unknown assailant. "I'll be there ASAP. Do not engage the enemy." Shade got back into his car and sped off, leaving a small trail of dust behind.


Mean while, in the dark alley ways the chase between Dark and Stein continued. *Damn it! All this sh!t is in my way. I can hear him. Breathing, running, I can hear sweat drops raining from his hair to the ground and walls.* Dark starts to slow down, then to a complete stop. *I need to situate my self before I go any further. Get a plan together. I'm a fugitive to the Unknown, Steven's dead and--* Dark heard the gun shots from a far. He waited a few seconds, then started towards the shots. *The echo is still fresh.* Dark continued down a new alley way, far from Stein. Dark was shocked to see--"STEVEN!" Steven was on the ground, blood painted the pavement.

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OoC: Btw Supreme, Jeanne is not in the same place she was when the soldiers were killed. She somewhere else, but I just haven't posted where is she is (I haven't decided where just yet).


Steven was struck in the shoulder by the bullet and as the gunshot echoed around the streets, he fell to the ground and his helmet fell off to the ground. He was laying grasping his shoulder on the ground, biting his bottom lip as not to scream out in pain and was about to lose consciousness but he then heard Dark shout out his name. With that he quickly forced himself to his feet as Dark ran towards him, and as Dark got close to him he pushed Dark and his backs against the wall. "There's a Sniper over there, but I haven't quite figured out where from yet" Steven said sharply yet quietly as he grabbed his helmet and put it on his head. "We need to get out of here and get back to the hideout; we're not equipped at this point to handle a Sniper capable of destroying that Truck" he said as he pointed towards the fireball with his thumb "and shooting me in the shoulder before he could be located as we are now" he continued as the wound on his shoulder and the suit began to heal themselves as Steven peered around the corner to see if he can locate the sniper...


Meanwhile Stein continued running and continued along, not noticing (or not caring) that Dark had stopped following him and he ran out into the streets seemingly bypassing the Sniper's vision (out of sight from Dark and Steven). He stopped and rested for a moment to catch his breath; *I'm not made for this kind of action* he thought as he wiped the sweat from his brow, however before he could do anything else he looked around and saw he was surrounded by soldiers with highly advanced weaponry, wearing a similar (different colour scheme) Battle Suit to Steven. *S^^t* he thought as he stood up and raised his hands in surrender...


Meanwhile a man was prone on a platform covered in a strange cloak, laying on top of a building with a long-range, highly advanced rifle in his hands. He was staring down at the flaming wreckage of the truck that exploded in front of Steven, and staring at the last place he saw Steven (when he shot him). Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw Stein rushing across the street, yet didn't react to him *Hmmm... got him* he thought to himself as he reached down low and grabbed a radio. He took his hand off the rifle (which is on a bi-pod) and look through the frequency band. "Sir..." he whispered in an American accent "...I got sight on him, he's heading towards Ambush Delta. Returning to silent observation - Over and Out" he continued to say before turning off the radio, not waiting for the response. *Stein is theirs now, and those two are insignificant* he thought as he crawled backwards, as slowly as possible to avoid detection from Steven (who he saw was peering round the corner)...

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The situation was tense. The time was 6:11PM, and the sun was starting to set. The sky was a bright yellow changing to a red/orange. No spoke a word. The only noise to be heard was the crackle of the fire from the destroyed truck. *What the hell is going on? Steven injured, a sniper, and Stein is about to be arrested, but by who? Their wearing something to what Steven has on. Unknown?* Dark peaked around the corner, looking both ways to get a clear picture of the situation. Dark quickly pulled his head back once he noticed to sniper trying to lock onto him. "Steven, We need to create a diversion. Something that will distract everyone long enough for us to escape." Dark contemplated about what action should be taken, ultimately arriving at a possible solution. He dug into his pocket, pulling out one of his trade mark "N" branded bullets.


Dark turned to Steven, revealing the bullet. "I shoot a near by building. Everyone's attention will be drawn to the explosion, and then we make our way over there." Dark pointed to the subway stairs, the bullet still in hand. "Should we do it?" This was the first time Dark had really left the call up to Steven. Of course the situation their in requires time, confidence, and team work.

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Steven closed his eyes and began to run the scenarios through his head, but soon it was apparent all the scenarios he could think of would be disastrous for them both. "Put the bullet away, it's useless" he eventually said despondently "If he's as good a Sniper as I think he is, then he won't stare at the distraction itself, but will look for the most logical source of the distraction. ie. us two and we will be pinned down worse than before" he continued in a more calm tone now, as he continued to look for the Sniper's Nest. "And besides, with this massive Bomfire of ours here even if he does get distracted by it, those guy's with Stein will notice us if we go out there. I don't know about you, but I would prefer not to test either group" he finished by stepping across Dark and heading back along the alleyway, which Dark came down. "The only option we really have is to backtrack through the alley and find a way out where he can't see us" he continued to say as he peered down the next alley to see if they were being pursued. "No one else seems to know we're here, only the Sniper. Now's our best chance to get away" he said calmly...

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Dark put the bullet back into his pouch as he stood up, following Steven the dark, damp, alley way. "We cant go back to the hide out. It's not safe. Its funny--the last hours of the day have led to a large mass of events, Steven." Dark paused for a moment, listening, almost like he heard a faint sound in the coming night air. He stopped, motionless, almost dead. Dark turned around, shocked to see his brother standing in the heavy shadows. "It seems you need help, brother." Garret's face was covered by his cloak, further darkened by the shadows of the alley way. Although hard to see, a sinister smile grew upon his face.


Dark said nothing to his brother yet his silence was a signal to elaborate deeper into what he was trying to say. Garret walked closer to his rival brother, the evil smile still barley visible. "The Unknown has casted you out. Or have they? I bet you wonder how Shade got so many heavy promotions to the point of out ranking you. You see, brother, I have learned the best torture is not always physical (in your case it wouldn't really matter), but rather mental torture." Garret paused there, waiting for his brother to figure out exactly what he meant when he spoke of Shade. "!?" That's when Dark realized. "You and Shade--an inside operation." Dark was enraged by the news, but did not want to have a conflict with in a small area (and still close to the mysterious group of soldier, and their supposed sniper).

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Steven stared at Garret into his dark eyes and his sinister smile, but seemed so uninterested by Dark and Garret's conversation; even if that conversation mentioned a collaboration between Shade and Garret, or could it be deeper than that - could this whole war be for nothing? However Steven was more interested in the soldiers dressed in the same Battle Suit he was wearing. He peered over to the soldiers all surrounding Stein "Hey Garret" he said suddenly as he looked back at Garret "I'll assume your not here for Stein" he continued speculatively, yet his voice was still calm yet vicious simultaneously. A hushly silence came over the area and the first chilling air of the night came rushing through the alleyway, yet none of the men were affected.


Garret nodded in approval of Steven's speculation; "He is now insignificant" he said calmly yet sinisterly, which seemed to anger Dark slightly at the notion of disposing of an ally so fruitlessly. "So the question still remains..." Steven began to say as he put his arm on Dark's shoulder, as if to appease him. "What are you here for, Garret?" he continued to ask. "And do you have any idea who they are?" Steven also asked as he pointed at the group of soldiers with Stein (almost irritated) and looked up at the helicopter passing overhead.


Soon the chopper hovered over the group of soldiers, and ropes fell down to the ground and the soldiers all grabbed onto a rope each and tied Stein onto the odd rope out (binding him) before being hoisted on board and as quickly as it appeared, it flew away with Stein...

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Both Dark and Garret looked up at the sky, the chopper carrying Stein slipping away into the night. "It is true. Shade is or was a Darkness agent... until I came along. I made his a deal he couldn't refuse, something no man could refuse. Power." Garret turned around sharply, making his way out of the alley while at the same time vanishing into the darkness. "As for those soldiers, I haven't the slightest clue as to who they are. Possibly a third side in this war of ours, and if that's so--then we know their not on your side." With Garrets final words spoke he vanishes from the area.


Dark rushes past Steven, continuing back the way he came. "Lets head for the roof tops. Were surrounded." Suddenly 2 large lights were activated, piercing through the shadows. The lights revealed a dozen Unknown Soldiers on both sides of the alley way. All of the armed and ready to fire at their leaders commanded. "NO TIME TO WASTE!" Dark sprang into the air, and on top of a trash can. Jumping again to grab the a near by fire escape latter. Every soldier in the alley aimed at Dark, but just before they could fire, Dark sent 2 knife-like blades into the bright lights. The alley way went black.

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OoC: Supreme you might want to consider making this thread PG-13, so that we can be a little more open with our posts (such as this one could be)


Steven quickly followed in suit and leaped - much to the shock and chagrin of Dark - from the ground up to the fire escape, where Dark needed to jump onto the trash can first in order to reach the same height. They both continued to climb up the fire escape under the cover of darkness, as the Unknown soldiers scrambled to get the lights working again. Eventually Steven grabbed Dark around the ankle and pulled him down off the ladder and into a nearby window of an apartment in the building, closing the window behind them just as the Unknown got the lights back up and running. "They must be in the building, sweep the place and find them" the Commander (not Shade) of the soldiers shouted over a Megaphone, and quickly after he did most of the soldiers rushed into the building searching for Dark and Steven. "Dark, we need to make our way up through the building. It's not safe outside" Steven said calmly as he made his way to the door, with Dark quickly in tow...


Meanwhile Jeanne was standing in front of a locker in her room with nothing but panties on and a radio on; "Status?" Jeanne asked through the radio. ~We're almost there~ a female voice said on the other end of the radio. "Ok..." Jeanne said calmly as she reached into her locker and pushed a panel on the back of it, revealing a special suit in the wall "...when you reach the place, the codes you'll need are #3792# and #9954# in that order" she continued before turning off the radio and she reached in and dragged the suit, helmet and a P90 gun out of the wall. She put the suit on slowly (tucking her hair down the back of the suit) and placed the helmet on. *Here we go* she thought as she left the room and began making her way through the hallways of the Unknown hideout...

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The Unknown soldiers were quick to check each floor of the building with amazing silence as they did so. "Commander, we've cleared the first flower. Okay team lets head to the second floor." The soldier, one behind the other proceeded up the old wooden stairs of the building. Concealed in the shadows, Dark and Steven watching in the corner hall of the floor made their way around the soldiers. Coming as close to inches with in the soldiers, Dark pressed up against the wall to avoid detection. "Alright, lets move the third floor." As the soldiers continued the search, Dark removed his belt and placed it on the first step leading to the third floor.


Whisper quietly, Dark planed the next phase of action. "I'm guessing there's a "welcome party" outside, and there's a couple of agents in the alley. We wait for the soldiers to come back down stairs--that's when my trap belt will take effect. Until then..." Dark pasued, sitting in a near by seat holding his head in pain. "We wait." Dark's face was struck by a small speck of light, his eyes glowing a faint red. Not the violent red they usually become, but a tired red. This probably being that Dark has not slept in almost 2 days. "So whats with the suit?" Dark asked in a calm yet serious voice.


OoC: Dark Secrets has now been premoted to PG-13 ^_^

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"I found the suit in an underground lab deep in the catacombs, and put it on after my suit was destroyed in the fall through the floor" Steven replied quietly, trying not to alert the guards to their location. "When I first put it on it injected me with something, and since my wounds seem to be healing at a rapid rate I'll assume that those it injected me with are Nanomachines" he continued as the two could hear soldiers sweeping the room above them. "They won't be long now, more on this suit later. Let's get ready" Steven said quietly as he removed the clip from his gun, checked it and then reinserted it into the rifle. By now they could hear the soldiers making their way down the stairs towards the floor Dark and Steven were on...


Meanwhile Jeanne continued sneaking through the Unknown base, looking for a way to meet up with her allies within the base. She was avoiding conflict wherever she could, knowing that she as not only at a major numbers disadvantage in a firefight, but also limited in the number of weapons she had against them. *Not too far now..." she thought to herself as she continued slowly and carefully along the dimly lit corridors, and suddenly her radio (in her helmet) went off. ~Jeanne, do you read?~ the voice asked calmly. "Yeah I read you. Hold that position until I reach you" Jeanne asked quietly and calmly as she hid around a corner from a passing patrol. ~Roger that~ the voice answered back before signing off on the radio. As she continued along she was constantly fighting back the tears, as she was still devastated over the (apparent) death of Steven. After a while she reached the locker room to her allies...

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"The hell is this?" The leading soldier had discovered Dark's trap, and not a moment later did it activate. "AAAAAAAAA!!!" Every soldier, one-by-one, was electrocuted by a blue strike of electricity that the belt emitted. Dark's trap was a sauces and as planed, every Unknown soldier feel to the ground. Some slightly rolling down the stairs. "I'll be needing this and... this." Dark removed two guns from the incapacitated soldiers, then taking their I.D.'s and extra ammo. "I'm sure they have guards ready to light our ass up so we need to be careful." Even though the group of Unknown soldiers were taken care of, Dark still proceeded down the stairs to the entrance way with caution.


Else where, Garret, along with a couple of Darkness henchmen had just broke into Unknown Labs. Most defense had been eliminated by a poison gas Garret spread through the ventilation system. There was still faint clouds of red gas dancing in the air. The Darkness finally arrived at a rather large vault entitled: Project 13. "Okay send in the team. Get the subject, then meet back at the new H.Q. Is that clear." Garret was rather quick with his orders that he had given, as if he couldn't wait to get his hands on what he wanted.

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