Gogeta™ Posted September 10, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 10, 2008 Dark raised up as if he were a zombie from the dead. "Bout' time you got here. Come on we need to make it to City Hall." Dark jumped over the seats and landed in the drivers seat, he pulled out a key from his pocket and backed out of the alley and then took of for City Hall at high speed. "So whats that package of yours?" While waiting for Suteibu, Dark looked at his review mirror to find another black van coming up behind him. "OH F$#@!!!" Bullets started to barrage the van. Something about these bullets were different from before as they a few of the actually pierced through the back of the van almost hitting Suteibu. In the other van chasing Dark the mysterious cloaked man from before was sitting in the passengers seat digging through boxes on the floor. "Here they are." The man pulled out a small box with the letter "N" on it. In the box were 6 bullets that resembled the ones that Dark used earlier. "Sorry brother... you cant keep running away from the truth." The man held the gun out the window and grinned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 10, 2008 Report Share Posted September 10, 2008 The bullets rained down over the van except this time they were piercing the van, instead of just deflecting off the Armor of the van. One bullet that shot through the back door of the van zings by his ear narrowing missing him. Suteibu ducked down and began to make his way to the back of the van while drawing the pistols out of his leg holsters, ready to fire. Suteibu quickly punched the van door open (on the passenger's side) and spun around door used for protection and fired both pistols in quick succession hailing the enemy's van with bullets, forcing the enemy to dodge giving a brief situation when there was no attack from the enemy... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TotalObelisk Posted September 10, 2008 Report Share Posted September 10, 2008 Tsuka wandered down a deserted street, the forms of about five or six dark agents on the floor behind her, pawns scattered about them."Heh, nothing but pawns," she muttered "No match for a queen."She chuckled and continued to wander down the streets. She looked up after a while and saw another dark agent blocking her path, the same sinister smile crossed her face."Just the one?" She said with mock disappointment, producing three pawns in her hand.Without another word she sent the pieces flying with practiced skill, sending them towards the figure. The agent raised his hand and with a single swipe, Tsuka's eyes widened slightly as the pawns fell to the ground in pieces."You do know I have to buy a whole new set just to replace those?" She said angrily."You of all people should know pawns pail in comparison to the knights,"Tsuka's eyes widened and she noticed a black knight piece in the man's hand. As she stared a sudden chill ran down her back and she turned about to see the strange man behind her. She took a jump backwards as she felt the knight fly past her, cutting her cheek and embedding itself into a street-lamp. She looked up at the figure as he took off his hood, revealing a smallish face with white shaved hair and plain, dark eyes."Didn't I teach you not to assume you have the advantage?" He said slowly."Should've known," Tsuka thought "The black knight was always his favorite piece.""So what are you doing here, Tsukasa?" Her father said, walking slowly towards her "Surely you're not attempting to fight against the darkness?"Tsuka took another jump backwards and sent a rook tied to a string towards him, however he shattered it with another swipe of his arm, a second knight in hand."Rooks," the man chuckled "You're strategy hasn't changed a bit. A little princess safe in her castle..."Tsuka's red eyes narrowed."What do you want?" She asked."Is it wrong to see how my own daughter is doing?" He asked, his tone not changing.Tsuka suddenly changed direction, dodging to the side and tossing a bishop at him like a dart. Her father simply shattered it with another swipe of his arm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 10, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 10, 2008 "Alright were almost there." Dark said in a semi-happy voice. Just as things seem to be fitting into place the a loud boom erupted and the van flipped several times. "Got em'." The cloaked man said as he reloaded his gun with another bullet marked with the letter "N". "Errr--can't..move." Dark was half way through the wind shield with a sharp piece of glass going through his stomach revealing a small piece through his back. The left lense of Dark's shades is gone causing his left eye to glow the violent blood red once again. "No--Is...is anybody there. Can you hear me? Were in a bad situation. For get City Hall we need to regroup and go back underground." Dark sent the message to all Unknown members. "S--Suteibu?" Dark struggles to move but he doesn't want to risk further increasing his injury. In the other van the cloaked man laughs with glee. "I'm sorry it had to be this way. You may not remember but it was what you did that made me this way. In the after life you I will explain. Until then...good bye...brother." The other van did a rapid u-turn and vanished into the fog that started to consume the street. The street lamps grew faint in the fog providing little light. Although Dark's van was for the most part totaled the clock read 3:12am. It was silent...that's all that was left of the night. Silents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 11, 2008 Report Share Posted September 11, 2008 Suteibu was laying across the wall on the right hand side of the van with one of his guns just up outside the door of the van and the other laying about 6 feet away from the van, next to the pavement and his Rifle (which was on his back) had been flung out of his belt due to the crash and lodged itself in the roof of the van, bifurcating the metal viciously. Suteibu was bleeding from a gash across his forehead and his body felt heavy as if he was trying to carry a truck on his back; as he tried to struggle to his feet his muscles began to shack uncontrollably and he loses all power in his body. He was breathing heavily as he continued to struggle to his feet and the blood from his head was flowing more and more than he thought it would. He struggled and turned his head to look towards the front of the van as he heard Dark shouting out for him almost worryingly, and saw the wind screen shattered and could see Dark stabbed through the wind screen like a Javelin. "Yea I'm here Dark... And your right, we have completely underestimated the Dark Agents and their defences. We need to get back underground, recuperate and regroup; we can't go after them this disjointed again and definitely not without a plan" he shouted over to Dark with conviction as he eventually managed to get to his feet, but the physical effort he exerted was noticable to anyone who would watch, since he was sweating and breathing heavily. He grabbed his rifle and then began to walk to retrieve his other guns, using his rifle as a crutch to ease his struggle as he staggered towards the back of the van. He quickly got over to his first gun and picked it up as the pain on his body subsided while he could hear Dark making a speech-like noise but couldn't make out what he was saying. He quickly made his way out of the van and over towards his second gun, and as he bent down to pick it up he could see hoards of Dark Agents coming towards the downed van. *S***!* he thought sharply as he holstered his pistols, placed his sword in his belt and rushed over towards Dark at the front of the van... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 11, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 11, 2008 Dark could hear the sounds of battle. Dark saw Darkness agents heading towards him, it was hard to see them through the ever thickening fog. "No...no...no!" Dark was in no position to move. The agents grew closer, all of them ready to shed blood onto the pavement. blood was spattered everywhere on Dark beads of sweat started to mix with his blood as he reached around with his left arm (which has a shard of glass launched in the shoulder). In magnificent pain Dark pulled out his gun. Sharp knifes started to rain upon the crashed van one piercing Dark in the arm. "I WILL NOT DIE LIKE THIS! ID RATHER DIE BY MY OWN HAND... NOT TO YOUUUUU!!!" Dark aimed the gun at the leaking fuel of the van. He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. BOOM was the sound the consumed any other noise at the time, the van was nothing more than scattered Pisces flying everywhere even on top of buildings. Darkness agents that were about to attack died from the explosion. Blood painted the streets and the smell of smoke infected the air. Dark's body had seemingly been eradicated in the explosion, if Dark is alive or not is the major question now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 11, 2008 Report Share Posted September 11, 2008 Suteibu was flung backwards through the air with immense force by the van's explosion; Suteibu crashed through the wall of a nearby building as the fires of the explosion began to rage. He stared at the burning wreck of the van *Dark... you didn't* he snapped in his head as he struggled to his feet again and pulled a piece of shrapnel from his shoulder, however had no time to think about his fallen comrade before Dark Agents who were inside the building had come down, being alerted by the big explosion outside, and now decided to kill Suteibu. "Excellent... just what I need now" he snapped sarcastically as he rolled his eyes into the back of his head and drew his pistols from their holsters. The gash across his foehead continued to bleed, but due to clotting it had become less of a bleed more of a trickle. He pointed his pistols at the Agents and pulled the trigger, sending bullets hurtling at them killing them instantly. However he didn't stick around for long as he knew his shots would be overheard by any others in the area and that could lead to disaster. Instead of waiting he ran out the hole in the wall and down an alleyway, keeping in the darkness so that no one would see him as he holstered his pistols and replaced them with his Assault Rifle. *He must be dead, he can't have survived that* he continuely thought as he continued to run from the Dark Agent Patrols, trying to make his way back to his apartment building. He knew that he could never traverse the massive distance he had already covered in the van on foot, so he had to find a functioning car or bike... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 11, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 11, 2008 In the unknown location of the Darkness the cloaked man claiming to be Dark's brother enters a cold room. Chains dangle from the ceiling and a small trail flames lead to three steps that stop at black box. "Master, as you wished I have completed the task and killed him." Silents broke into the chill room. The cloaked man looked at the box--almost trying listen to it. "As you wish. All the Unknown will know the force of Darkness, they cant hide for long. They may be able to keep us out of their hide out but we can also protect ourselves." The man left the room and the flames became blue. For a moment it was quiet, that's when a low base voice spoke. "I have complete confidence in you... Garret." The flames started to blaze and the motion less chains moved in sync. This only lasted a short minute as everything turned back to normal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 11, 2008 Report Share Posted September 11, 2008 Name: Mitsouragi Title: Explosive Strategist Group: None at the timeAge: Unknown, appears as 32Gender: MalePersonality: Calm, Strong, Intelligent, and ResourcefulBio: Not a lot is know about this strange character in The Darkness's Data Base. All that is known is that he planned and executed one of the best attack plans in Unknown history, known as Operation Underground, but has not been a member of Unknown for 10 years...Appearance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TotalObelisk Posted September 11, 2008 Report Share Posted September 11, 2008 Tsuka was frozen in place, staring at her father with his knight in one hand, the other hidden within his pocket, staring at Tsukasa with a cold expression. The faint sounds of gunfire could be heard in the distance."How's Anna?" Tsuka's father asked.Tsuka turned to glare at him: "She's dead,"Tsuka's father raised an eyebrow and then a slight grin spread across his face."I'd have hoped she'd live long enough to see the bitter end," he said, gazing upwards "Or at least till I could see her again, but then again..." He turned back to Tsuka, causing her to back away "You look so much like her in so many ways."He turned about and began walking towards her. Tsuka whirled about and made to run away, however she saw the blue of the knight pieces fly past her, causing one of her pigtails to waft slightly, and struck the street lamp, causing it to lean over and finally collapse, blocking Tsuka's path. She looked behind her at her father still advancing towards her. A massive explosion broke the silence, lighting the darkened sky for a few seconds."Looks like Garret is doing his job," Tsuka's father said in a conversational tone. "You're sick," Tsuka said suddenly, causing her father to raise an eyebrow "I know you were always...Weird and anything, but you were never like this.""I've been in on this since I was your age my dear," he said "This world is over, the darkness is our only salvation."He raised his arm, offering an open palm towards Tsuka."Come with me," he said "You're attempts to fight are futile, come with me and I shall show you true salvation."Tsuka continued to glare at him, breathing slowly. With one hand behind her back she reached into a hidden pocket and closed her figures around the piece hidden inside."You taught me everything I know," Tsuka said."Correct," her father replied."Rules, strategy, technique...""What's your point?""That you always taught me," Tsuka began "To save the best move till last."With that said she pulled the pieces from her pocket and flung the queen towards her father in a blurred motion. The pieces impacted against her father's head and shattered, causing him to stagger backwards and giving Tsuka the change to dodge down an alley and run out of sight."You have to be the one to call 'checkmate' at any cost," she called back to him, repeating her teachings "Even if it means sacrificing your queen." Tsuka's father recovered his senses and looked down at the pieces of the white queen Tsuka had thrown at him, a slight grin covered his face."She never changes," he muttered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 12, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 12, 2008 OoC: Final Fantasy Revolution your in. Back at the Underground something was crawling on the ground. As the unknown figure moved a trail was left behind. The trail was red, maybe blood. The figure inched its way into the stone hall way lite by candles. The hall a fuzzy look as dust particles floated about, being revealed once in the light produced by the candels. "Grrraghhh." The crawling figure had let a monstrous grunt--almost as if was pain. The figure turned the corner and not too soon later the another grunt was heard. It had become quiet for a brief moment, finally the sound of a door opening and shutting reverberated through the halls. "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!" A horrific scream swarmed through the Underground. The sounds of grunts and screams continued for 45 minutes before finally dieing. The time was now 4:00am. On the surface the moon started to fade away and the fog became less. Even though the night was almost away the devastation was still fresh in the air. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 12, 2008 Report Share Posted September 12, 2008 Suteibu had around by a corner near the entrance to the Underground and saw no Dark Agents near the entrance. He (cautiously) rushed out from behind the corner and charged at the entrance, constantly fearing that he could we wondering out into a trap set by the Dark Agents, however knew that he had taken far too long to get back and had to get underground quickly so the risk was necessary. He continued across the street towards the door, pushing himself to go as fast as possible, but as he got closer and closer he could hear the muffled sounds of screams from inside the tunnel; Suteibu's eyes widened as he got closer because he knew the sounds of screaming he could hear, he knew the familiar sound of great pain followed by deathly silence. He charged into the underground at full pace, believing that his comrades were being slaughtered by someone very familiar to him, but constantly knew in the back his mind that if it was who he thought it was... he may not be able to stop him... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 12, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 12, 2008 "Suteibu!". I muffled voices called from afar. The sound seemed to come from the hallway, the candles mounted through-out the hall grew dimer as light from the boarded windows started to slip through. The clock read 4:45am, the night was almost gone. "GAYAA!" The screams fed the underground for several minutes before diminishing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 13, 2008 Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 Suteibu continued to rush through the underground tunnels, following an ever increasing sound of torturous screams from his comrades up ahead somewhere; along his way at his feet he was continuously dodging dead bodies of his already slaughtered comrades, and stepping into the blood of those same fallen comrades staining his military-like clothing and boot. Along the way he noticed that many of the bodies had been sliced by very sharp, very long blade, while others had been shot to pieces by small calibre pistols. Soon he reached a dimly lit area of the passageways and noticed a comrade being stabbed viciously by a cold, calculated silver haired man. Suteibu quickly drew his pistol while the mystery man did so too; they both pointed their guns between the eyes, and stared at each other calmly and intensely. "It's been a long time... Suteibu" the mystery man said as he stared at Suteibu's eyes and smirked confidently, which infuriated Suteibu. "What are you doing? Why are you here?" he asked furiously as his hand began to quiver. Suddenly the man slapped Suteibu's hand out of the way and fired his gun. At the exit of the underground the mystery man was walking up the stairs with no weapons in hand. "It's done" he said into a radio transceiver. "Excellent... return to 17th and Mursa and cover there until you hear otherwise from me" an unknown yet dark voice ordered him. "Yes Sir" he said calmly and without argument or reservation as he made his way towards 17th and Mursa, deep within the Darkness territory... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 13, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 In the blood painted hallways of the Underground--foot steps sunk into the silent carnage that had been unleashed. The foot steps became closer and closer, closing in on Suteibu's position. Around the corner was a tall shadow, whoever was there was about to reveal them selves. It was... Back in City Hall hundreds if not thousands of Darkness agents were gathered in the conference room. Silently awaiting. The silence in the room was intense, not a move to be made. High above the agents heads on the ceiling where five massive chains. They slowly dangled back and forth yet not making noise. "GOOD YOUR ALL HERE!" Garret said in a loud, strong voice. "We have crippled the Unknown and killed there best men. The time has come to erase today's world and replace it with something greater. Something only we the Darkness can make so. Each and everyone of you is apart of something great, something that will be remembered for generations." The agent raised one fist in the air, Garret looked at them in great satisfaction. "The time has come." That was Garrets last words before leaving the conference room and into what seems to be a underground tomb. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christian-Exodia Posted September 13, 2008 Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 OOC:What has happened since I last posted here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 13, 2008 Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 OOC:What has happened since I last posted here? OoC: We went out fought some bad guys and was finally ovrrrun by their forces and forced to return underground. Now everyone has re-entered the Underground from other access points, and need to get back to the main camp. Also the Underground was overran by bad guys and most of the Unknown are now dead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 13, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 OoC: Thats pretty much all there is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 13, 2008 Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 The mystery man from the tunnel was walking along the streets, seeing the hoards of Dark Agents eliminating few insurgence revolting against the Darkness. He continued to walk along calmly with eyes closed and hands in his pocket, his coat tails and his hair blowing hard in the strong gale along the city streets. *Garret should be done by now... so I should have others at Mursa to help with the Defence* he thought as he continued along the streets, staying in the glowing, neon light. Suddenly at an intersection he stopped in his tracks as a hoard of black, unmarked off-road Military vehicles stormed across the streets in front of him; the military vehicles were surrounding a black, unmarked stretch Limousine as if protecting a President as they head towards the City Hall. As soon as the convoy passed by the mystery man stared at the sky *Sunrise... so beautiful* he thought as he continued to walk slowly towards 17th and Mursa. Meanwhile Suteibu was laying on a bed, with a bullet wound in the center of his chest. Also in the room sitting beside his bed was a 15 year old girl with silvery-blue hair; she was holding his head firmly and crying as Suteibu laid there, apparently dead. *Suteibu... it can't be" she thought as the tears continued to roll down her beautiful face. *I can't lose you... your all I have in this world, so don't you die* she continued as her worried expression quickly changed to a slight angry, determined expression. The blood was still thick on the walls and floor of the Unknown's hideout and the bodies were still laying where they were killed... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted September 13, 2008 Report Share Posted September 13, 2008 The man was atop a building in the darkness territory looking down over the thousands of soldiers as he went completely unnoticed and unsensed. "They plan to cascade the world into darkness hmm." The man said as he turned from the soldiers and started to walk off from the darkness territory. "The darkness of this world won't measure up, to the darkness in our lives." The man said as he walked down the road, not going to the underground but leaving the city again as he had done so many times before... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 14, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 14, 2008 Back at the Underground in the tunnels field with the slaughtered bodies of the Unknown a tall man turned the corner. "Monsters." The man said in an enraged voice as he stepped over the mutilated bodies. He continued the the tunnels looking at each of the bodies, as he proceeded a tear slipped through his shades. "I was here...but...to late." The man went upstairs and slowly made his way to the room in which Suieibu laying in bed with his injury. He opened the door calmly. The little light piercing through the dark room revealed the mans face. "Please tell me...I wasn't to late. You can be dead!" It was Dark. In the tomb that Garret entered a few minutes ago, thousands and thousands of skeletons lay scattered across the floor. Rats rushing through the skulls and the sounds of snakes made the tomb all the more scary. Garret stood in the middle of a dim light, in fact the only light within the tomb. "The time is almost here. I have complete control. He thinks he will be freed, but little does he know I have the ultimate trap ready. It is I who will be the one to crush this world. I have put in so much effort and now that Dark out of the way and the Unknown have been eradicated... I'll be number one." Garrets eyes where pure black. He had a faint grin on his face as he walked back upstairs to the execute his next phase of action. "This world will fall." Those where his final words before closing the tomb shut. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 14, 2008 Report Share Posted September 14, 2008 The girl with silvery-blue hair walked saw Dark come in and immediately bowed to him, as if he was an emperor or religious icon to her; "Master... I'm sorry. I wasn't able to get to him in time, and he unfortunately ended up like this" she said apologetically and cautiously. However Dark didn't look away from Suteibu laying in bed, apparently near death if not already dead. Suteibu opened his eyes slightly and glanced over at Dark; "Heh... I figured you weren't dead. It's not like you to commit suicide" he said calmly as he grinned "and besides, if it was that easy to kill you... I would've done it back when the war was still fresh" he continued as he sat up and placed his hand on his chest, over the bullet wound. Suteibu looked at the bullet wound on his chest and grinned *Man... those scientists really knew what they were doing* he thought. "Dark..." he spoke as his tone of voice switched from it's happy and cheerful sound before to a dark, serious tone "We now need a strategy, and are very short on numbers. What's our next plan of attack?" he asked forcefully as he stood up and faced him, shirtless (with badages all over his chest), while the girl continued to bow at both of their feet now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 14, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 14, 2008 "Stop bowing." Dark said quickly as if it was annoying. "We lay low. I have inside traitors as we speak collecting information." Blood started to drip from Dark coast, he grabbed his side and sat down in a chair. "My healing isn't fully complete... sorry. As I was saying, we stay here while the agents do their stuff. In our condition we just constitute as liabilities to the mission of the Unknown. I need to talk to you privately." Dark looks at the girl in the corner of his eye behind his shades. "This is delicate information that cant be shared. I trust you... this is a vital part of our mission." Dark pushes his shades closer to his face as a way to distract himself from the pain in his side. On the surface the sun shined bright in the morning. Things seemed peaceful but the lifeless streets left much to be desired. Black vans started to line up on the street not to far from the stairway that led to the Underground. There was a total of 7 vans then not a second later Darkness agents piled out. Each of the holding rocket launchers, the drivers placed odd disk shaped devices on the streets. They seemed to be sound silencers. "On my mark." A Darkness agent said in a low, ruthless voice. Although it was quiet, peaceful the arrival of the agents gave the air a bad sense. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted September 14, 2008 Report Share Posted September 14, 2008 Suteibu turned to face the girl "It's OK sweety, go wait outside... We shouldn't be long" he said sympathetically with a smile on his face and put his hands on her shoulders. She smiled back at him and walked out of the room. However before she left completely she turned her head back "Dark, Suteibu... I'm not the traitor. I didn't tell them about our moves or our location" she said softly and angelically as she walked out the door and closed it behind her. Suteibu breathed a sharp sigh before turning back and sitting on his bed, the wound on his chest throbbing in pain. "OK Dark... we're alone now. What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked forcefully as he looked up at him angrily... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gogeta™ Posted September 15, 2008 Author Report Share Posted September 15, 2008 Dark sighed. "My brother... he's behind all this. He's been after me for years so I started the Unknown. The deaths, your injury, everything is my fault." Dark looked away from Suteibu, he held his side tighter. "I'm leaving the Unknown... I cant tell you why but I'm leaving." Dark stood up and prepared to leave. "Before I go-what was the package you spoke of? The one at your apartment." Dark faced the door still holding his side, awaiting Suieibu's answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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