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Deck Masters, enter, huge prize(FINISHED)


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heres my 1st and 2nd cards




heres the effect... srry, but i had to say "'exodia' cards" instead of list them and leave out some of the deck master stuff cuz it wouldnt fit:


Before the beginning of the duel, you may choose this card to be treated as your Deck Master if there is not currently another monster you chose to be your Deck Master. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may special summon this card to your side of the field, or you may remove this card from play. If this card is offered as tribute for a tribute summon or for a ritual summon, or is used in a fusion, the monster this card was offered for tribute for is treated as your new Deck Master and the effect of that card becomes the same as the effect of this card, or if the new monster is an effect monster, you may instead substitute that effect for the bulleted effect at the bottom of this card. This card is then removed from the game. If this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard in any other way, you lose the duel. Once per turn during your Main Phase, you may activate the following effect:

*Pay 500 Life Points to select one card in your graveyard and shuffle it into your deck. If the card you chose was an “Exodia” card then you do not need to pay Life Points.





Before the beginning of the duel, you may choose this card to be treated as your Deck Master if there is not currently another monster you chose to be your Deck Master. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may special summon this card to your side of the field, or you may remove this card from play. If this card is offered as tribute for a tribute summon or for a ritual summon, or is used in a fusion, the monster this card was offered for tribute for is treated as your new Deck Master and the effect of that card becomes the same as the effect of this card, or if the new monster is an effect monster, you may instead substitute that effect for the bulleted effect at the bottom of this card. This card is then removed from the game. If this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard in any other way, you lose the duel. As long as this card is your Deck Master, you may activate the following effect whenever you inflict damage to your opponent's Lifepoints:

* Each time you inflict damage to your opponent’s Life Points (excluding Battle Damage), you may increase your Life Points by an amount equal to half the damage you dealt.





Before the beginning of the duel, you may choose this card to be treated as your Deck Master if there is not currently another monster you chose to be your Deck Master. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may special summon this card to your side of the field, or you may remove this card from play. If this card is offered as tribute for a tribute summon or for a ritual summon, or is used in a fusion, the monster this card was offered for tribute for is treated as your new Deck Master and the effect of that card becomes the same as the effect of this card, or if the new monster is an effect monster, you may instead substitute that effect for the bulleted effect at the bottom of this card. This card is then removed from the game. If this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard in any other way, you lose the duel. As long as this card is your Deck Master, you may activate the following effect:

* Each time a monster on your side of the field inflicts battle damage to your opponent, you may randomly discard one card from your opponent’s hand. If there are no cards in your opponent’s hand, inflict 300 points of direct damage to your opponent’s Life Points.









btw... the pic from exodus isnt from a real card.... i checked online for close to half an hour to make sure...


its from a fake card i have... scanned it in...

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Six, no they can't


These are the cards that you can't use to create Deck Masters:

Total Defense Shogun

Blue Eyes White Dragon

Deep Sea Warrior


Nightmare Penguin

Dark Magician

Dark Magician Girl

Judge Man

Flame Swordsman

Robotic Knight


Super Roboyarou

Goddess with a Third Eye


Lord of D.

Shinato's Ark

Shinato, King of a Higher Plane

Kaiser Seahorse

King of the Swamp


all other cards, Fake or Real, must have an effect that effects other cards like Sushi said on the first page

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Gah. I said that Deck Master Effects don't effect themselves. How hard was that to understand? Why would it have an effect to Special Summon itself, when you can Special Summon it anyway? Where in this seriously does it say about adding the Deck Master Rulings, the Deck Master Rulings you would simply play by from a guide book. >>


DECK MASTER NAME: Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon


DECK MASTER ABILITY NAME: Toon World Transformation


DECK MASTER ABILITY EFFECT TEXT: You may Special Summon Toon monsters to the field without the Magic card Toon World being on the field. All Toon monsters in your deck may also now attack on the first turn that they are Special Summoned to your side of the field.

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