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Fury from the deep my style


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hey everyone im new here, I am not a pro duelist nor do i have the best cards but if anyone can i would like some advice with a deck i created based off the structure deck fury from the deep.


deck: 49

no extra deck

no side deck



-Levia dragon- daedalus

-Ocean dragon lord- Neo daedalus

-Water dragon

-3x hydrogeddon


-mobius the frost monarch

-metallizing parasite lunatite

-gemini summoner

-3x mother grizzly

-sea serpent warrior of darkness

-tribe infecting virus

-creeping doom manta

-mermaid knight


-space mambo

-7 colored fish

-unshaven angler

-warrior of atlantis

-star boy

-amphibious bugroth mk3


magic cards:11

-3x legendary ocean

-hammer shot

-big wave small wave

-2x bonding h2o

-mist body

-creature swap

-lightning vortex

-monster reborn


trap cards:14

-2x gravity bind

-tornado wall

-magic cyllander

-sakuretsu armor


-seven tools of the bandit

-dust tornado

-bottomless traphole

-trap reclamtion

-trap hole

-magic jammer

-counter counter

-black horn of heaven

-scrap iron scare crow


when i created this deck I wanted to keep the power of Ocean dragon lord neo daedalus and stack my ability to counter everything. I dont know any places to play other people besides my family so i havent been able to test it out else where, so any advice would be great.

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