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Metal Gear Solid Cards (Update: Metal Gear Chaioth Ha Qadesh)


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Metal Gear Solid








[spoiler=Liquid Snake's Effect]

During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. If this card is destroyed by your opponent's card effect while it is a Monster Card, you can equip it to a monster on your side of the field during the Main Phase of your next turn. The equipped monster inflicts Piercing damage. While this card is an Equip Card, its name is treated as "Liquid's Arm".



[spoiler=Cyborg Ninja - Gray Fox's Effect]

This card is also treated as Warrior-Type. If this card was Special Summoned by the effect of "Gray Fox", it gains the following effect:

- Increase this card's ATK by 400. If this card attacks a face-up Defense Position monster, destroy the monster with this card's effect without applying damage calculation.





Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty





Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater



Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots




[spoiler=Old Snake's Effect]

You can Special Summon this card from your hand by Tributing 1 "Solid Snake". While this card is in face-up Defense Position, put 1 Octocamo Counter on it during each of your Standby Phases (max. 1). If there is an Octocamo Counter on this card, it cannot be declared as an attack target. If this card is changed to Attack Position, remove all Octocamo Counters from this card.





Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops



Metal Gear Acid




Metal Gear




Unless otherwise stated, Yoji Shinkawa is credited for the concept artwork featured on these cards.

Screenshots used are taken from video games in the Metal Gear series.

Metal Gear RAY is credited to imbong, from Deviant Art.


EDIT: Written cards related to this card set can be found at the thread below.


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Solid Snake is not included in this rating. I already rated it in that other thread.


Pic: 6.5/10 (Erm...*mixed feelings*)

Effects: 7.5/10 (Revolver Ocelot and FOXDIE are somewhat broken.)

OCG: 10/10 (Perfect, as always.)

Other: 7/10 (What? Raiden has more ATK than Solid Snake? I guess...)

Overall: 7.5/10 (Not bad, not bad.)

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Thank you.


I'm surprised I wasn't flamed or something because I didn't have an image for FOXDIE yet.


WHY HAVE'NT YOU DONE AN IMAGE FOR FOXDIE!?!?! Nah,only joking ;) anyway, those are some very good cards there, not only that, but i hav't seen effects like that before. well done; 9/10

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Oy' date=' don't triple post, unless of course those were after 24 hours. Otherwise, these cards are slippery. I love them. And yes, Raiden is oped.




Whoops, I guess it hadn't quite been 24 hours when I did that. Thanks for the positive comments. I've decided to weaken Raiden a wee bit.


Metal Gears REX and RAY added. Outer Heaven added. Outer Haven added.


EDIT: Because of the increasing number of cards in this thread, I've sorted them by which "packs" they are in. These correspond to the Metal Gear games the character (or other element) first appeared in.

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I've added the other 4 members of FOX-HOUND to the Metal Gear Solid section. Roy Campbell will instruct you further by Codec.


"There are six members of FOX-HOUND involved in this terrorist activity. Psycho Mantis, with his powerful psychic abilities. Sniper Wolf, the beautiful and deadly sharpshooter. Decoy Octopus, master of disguise. Vulcan Raven, giant and shaman. And Revolver Ocelot, specialist in interrogation and a formidable gunfighter. And finally, in charge of them, FOX-HOUND's squad leader: Liquid Snake."

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