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Category 51 {Someone Necro-Bumped and is complaining that I have two clubs, PLEASE LOCK}


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Hello and welcome to my club, Category 51. Here we do stuff that has to do with Graphic Design. There are different ranks, each time you make a Graphic Design item and submit it here, you get a graphic point. Once you get a certain amount of points, your rank goes up. Every time your rank goes up, you get a special gift.



New Graphics Maker-0-9 GP-1 rep (for joining)

Graphics Maker-10-24 GP-Free Customized Banner and Avatar

Super Graphics Maker-25-49 GP-2 Free Booster Packs

Mega Graphics Maker-50-79 GP-5 point gift card to Category 51 (the shop)

Awesome Graphics Maker-80-99 GP-10 point gift card to Category 51 (the shop)

Master Graphics Maker-100+ GP-20 point gift card to Category 51 (the shop)



To Join:

To join, complete the following form:

Username (You can use your current username or make a different one up):

Graphic Design Item (Make One):


The Rules

-No spamming

-No inappropriate talk

-No swearing



Dragonslayer514801 (DragonSlayer)-Master Graphics Maker

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