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Longcat (balanced)

Valkyrie Lupia Blitzer

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You don't get it, do you?


Either its one if these things:

-You think RPS gets more powerful everytime any monster on your side of the field attacks directly, not just RPS. This is false, as RPS clearly states "this card."

-You think Longcat gives another card another chance to attack, as well a the second chance being directly. This is also false, as Longcat also states "this card."

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I say that Raging Flame Sprite is better for these reasons:

1. Like your card, it can attack your opponent directly; however, your cat gets weaker by 200 points for every card your opponent controls. Raging Flame Sprite has only 100 Attack Points, therefore dealing only 100 points of Battle Damage to your opponent.


2. Unlike Longcat, Raging Flame Sprite gains an additional 1000 Attack Points each time he attacks directly. What's worse is that this effect lasts until RFS leavs the playing field (Or Skill Drain, Destiny Hero - Plasma, or other cards that cancel out monster effects).


Other than that, XIII likes the card.

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I say that Raging Flame Sprite is better for these reasons:

1. Like your card' date=' it can attack your opponent directly; however, your cat gets weaker by 200 points for every card your opponent controls. Raging Flame Sprite has only 100 Attack Points, therefore dealing only 100 points of Battle Damage to your opponent.


2. Unlike Longcat, Raging Flame Sprite gains an additional 1000 Attack Points each time he attacks directly. What's worse is that this effect lasts until RFS leavs the playing field (Or Skill Drain, Destiny Hero - Plasma, or other cards that cancel out monster effects).


Other than that, XIII likes the card.


Perhaps that's what XENOCIDEX meant...


But this isn't really a question of better cards right? I thought this thread was for the peoples' opinion on my card?

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