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Finished!!! Results in! Move to finish contests ^_^

Silent Hunter™

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Another Contest by me and this time its a Dragon Contest

So here are the rules:

1. Obdiviously, no SPAMMING or else...

2. Post a Dragon Card, Min 1 and Max 1

3. Use correct OCG

4. Don't post on the end date itself post before

5. You can reserve your entry

6. IMPORTANT: There is a Fee and its 10 Points


End Date is this Tuesday or Wednesday, so Good Luck everyone



1s: 3 reps

2nd: 2 reps

3rd: 1 rep


Max. 20

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Heres my entry:




Effect: Effect: 1 DARK Tuner monster + 1 or more DARK non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned with using 3 or more monsters, inflict 100 points of damage to your opponent for each card on your hand. If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. The monster Special Summoned by this cards effect is destroyed during the End Phase of your next turn. As long as this card remains face-up on the top of the Graveyard, all monsters you control gain 400 ATK.


10 points payed.

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I want a entry... and here is a card i am gunna enter!!!



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. If this card attacks, it gains ATK equal to twice the ATK of the monster it battles until the end of the Damage Step. At the end of a Battle Phase in which this card attacks, it is switched to Defense Position. By discarding 1 card, negate the activation of a Spell, Trap or Effect Monster whose effect would destroy this card. By discarding 1 card when this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed.

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I'll enter this ^_^




[spoiler=Effect]This card may be Summoned without a Tribute. When this card is Summoned this way, halve the ATK of this card. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, double the damage. When this card inflicts 2000 damage or more to your opponent's Life Points, it is destroyed. If this card is destroyed by battle, increase your Life Points by half the total damage this card inflicted to your opponent's Life Points.



If you all remember, or know, the original pic of that is very different from what this is. I, of course, edited the pic, made it green, and did the fancy stuff xD





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If you can't read:

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 3 DARK monsters under your control. During the Main Phase of your turn, remove from play all DARK monsters on the field except this card. For every card removed, 100 points is inflicted on your opponent.




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