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The Abridged yugioh cards

Chaos Impact™

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now this set of cards is made up of a mini yugioh series on the website www.youtube.com, if you want to see the series you just type in yugioh the abridged series and find the first episode or follow this link http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vmVGQR3NNdg.

The first 9 are:

Abridged yugi [attachment=4305]

Abridged yami [attachment=4306]

Abridged kaiba [attachment=4307]

Abridged joey [attachment=4308]

Abridged kaiba brothers [attachment=4309]

Abridged yami & yugi [attachment=4310]

Abridged mokuba [attachment=4311]

Abridged Tea [attachment=4312]

Abridged Tristan [attachment=4313]

The series is very funny more of the characters are coming soon.

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ok cards.... u could have a lot more fun.... espicially with half the stuff u could quote...


"We are the brothers paradox

and we like wearing womens frocks

we know that this rhiming is rhather crass

but you can go and stick your cards right up your nose

you were suposed to say ass borther, i thought we rehearsed this"


"You tore the card. Satan is going to be very angry"


"This episode contains massive amounts of Duke Devlin

It is advised for women with heart conditions not to look directly at duek devlin

this is also advised for women without heart conditions

he is very pretty

i want to run my fingers throuhgh his hair and im only a voice"

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