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i remade my six sam deck


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Main Deck: (40)


Monsters: (19)

3x Great Shogun Shien

3x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

3x Zanji

2x Enishi, Shien's Chancellor

2x Irou

2x Yaichi

2x Spirit of the Six Samurai

1x Cyber Dragon

1x Kamon


Spells: (13)

3x Reinforcement of the Army

3x Six Samurai United

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Reasoning

1x The A. Forces

1x Cunning of the Six Samurai

1x United We Stand


Traps: (8)

2x Magic Jammer

2x Seven Tools of the Bandit

1x wabako

2x Reckless Greed

1x Torrential Tribute


rate it plz

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-2 Magic Jammer

-2 Seven Tools

-1 Wabaku

-1 Reasoning

+3 Solemn

+3 Bribe


Im not an expert on SS so I may not be giving good info but the reasons for the said fixes are:

Jammer and Tools.... are just no. Wabaku IMO should only be run at 3, and only in Glad. Reasoning is really bad at one and is thus unplayable in this format.

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