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[REQ] Sig


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Text On Graphic: Can you conquer yourself?

Sub-Text On Graphic: Dark Link

Images For Graphic: http://media.photobucket.com/image/dark%20link/calliekayoutcast654/yaoi/LINKS.jpg?o=2

Size Of Graphic: 450x150 atleast

Type Of Graphic: Signature

Requested Artist: Some who is very skilled with Photoshop and/or GIMP. Atleast 5 months practice, and doesn't make sigs with Green > Whirl And Pinch > Render > Done

Other Comments: 1: Please fit Link AND Dark Link.

2: You don't have to render, but I would like if you can.

3: PLEASE use the TRIFORCE FONT FROM HERE: http://www.zeldalegends.net/index.php?n=fonts#868

4: In the Triforce font, there is a symbol of the Triforce (the 3 triangles that are together). Please recolor it to yellow and put it somewhere on the top.

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