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:: Roleplay Section Improvements Discussion ::

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It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. - Winston Churchill


The same thing could be said about mandatory AC now. Heck yea, there is discontent about writing the dreadful four lines of text for the RP. Every newcomer and many experienced RPers hate it.


Then again, under the tag system, RP quality plummetted and 90% or more RPs were basic, propagated by newcomers and experienced RPers alike. Rinne forced the AC and RP quality went up again.


We are divided between freedom and order, just like Left Wing and Right Wing. The division will always be there. Whatever the mods decide to do, their utmost priorities should be to maintain order and maintain RP quality, which seem to be opposing qualities. To have order among the users, there must be freedom and to maintain RP quality, there must be rules. Freedom leads to lower RP quality and any change rules cause discontent. What we must do is allow the mods to make the decisions. Although most of us have been raised in a democracy, sometimes when the people are very unruly and defiant at every move of the authority, dictatorship seems much more efficient.


In short: Let Rinne kami-sama and Shadius kami-sama do their job. They have been doing a top notch job lately and we should be happy that there haven't been any major revolts about mandatory AC.

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yeah, i guess so. personally, i feel as though the only reason why there are currently no revolts is more due to the fact of people not wanting to get banned, as they likely would be if they revolted. still, i feel that there should be a tag set just even if only for the new rpers. you are right though, there has been trouble about it in the past, which is why there was first the tag, and then the mandatory AC. i just hope that sometime in the future we might be able to see a bit of a more lenient rp code that would reincorporate tagging, although that i likely not going to happen for a couple of years, if even at all.

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Alright, so I want to start up my RP. But the Roleplayer you will need to keep track of it as it progresses, as factors such as items and money are very important and should be not magically spawned. Editing your Application in adequate, yet not desperate intervals would do it, but the problem is the actual place for the Applications. Earlier ideas of mine which consisted in taking note of the character's belongings proved to be quite unsafe, so it needed to be viewed publicly. Now, earlier Applications have absolutely no problem in being publicly watched as they are immediately after the Topic's first post, but the problem is about late Applications: remembering in which page your App was is quite troublesome.

I was thinking if I could have a Sign Up Topic where absolutely no posts other than the Accepted Apps would go, after the Roleplayers send me their respective Apps through PM for me to either accept or decline them. Please do bear in mind I do not want an OoC Thread... Just a place where people would come and edit their Apps with their new items and such. Can I do this?

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No you can't. Sign up threads have been banned for a very long time. If you want keep track of applications' date=' you should copypaste the app into the first post (your post) into a spoiler called 'Accepted Apps' that are divided into apps named after the user and their character.



This. If I can ever convince YCMaker or Falling Pizza to get Roleplays out of Fanfiction and into its own forum, then we could possibly have a separate subcategory for signups and OOC that doesn't count towards post count. But, since that's about as likely as me giving birth through my mouth, it's a "no" for now.

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you meant 'shouldn't be so hard', right?


and yeah, it would be nice if the whole separate thread thing could be done, but i guess not. the only thing that i can suggest is that you have the spoiler for the character applications, and then separate spoilers for each character under a persons nick in the same spoiler with at least one line between each character application.

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Hm... Should I delete my bump posts now that we've started? I mean, don't want a cluttered thread and I'm hoping my RP becomes a great one. Not having a cluttered thread is somehow improving this place, right?

Also, Expert tag? Well, it seems to be under debate, but if it is more of a title granted to RPs by mods that deem them deserving, I'd hope to get one some day.

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expert tag huh? this is the first i've heard of it. so that would be something like beyond advanced, right?

and take my advice, do not do any post deletions. deleting posts causes something called the new page glitch in which a new pages worth of posts has started, but it doesn't show properly. you would still be able to see what others had said before until the new page glitch disappears by hitting the post reply button, but i would not make it so that that is necessary if i were you, and especially with an rp since it would happen with each new page. my personal opinion, a somewhat cluttered rp thread in the beginning is better then an rp thread in which you would have to deal with the new page glitch, which would likely cause some of the rpers to leave.

so like i said, don't do it.

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This is true. The main reason why they are so hard to find though is that not enough of them are able to be found readily. As to the rest of us, we improve over time.


Anyway, is it all right if I advertise an rp here? I ask this because there is an rp that I am a part of that still needs numerous characters to get started.

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This is true. The main reason why they are so hard to find though is that not enough of them are able to be found readily. As to the rest of us' date=' we improve over time.


Anyway, is it all right if I advertise an rp here? I ask this because there is an rp that I am a part of that still needs numerous characters to get started.



This thread is meant to discuss the rules and workings of the RP section only. Advertising has no reason to go here. ;3

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is that to say that YCM rpers are not up to snuff fenrir? even so' date=' that would just be a personal opinion.



The majority can barely handle advance without complaining. Do you really think YCM would need an expert tag? If people stopped complaining about the AC and actually started getting better, then yes, an expert tag would be nice.


I think the Expert tag is a good idea. It should only be granted by RP Mods' date=' though.

YCM has RP skill, even if it isn't everywhere. I think there are some extremely talented RP'ers here.



Where the hell have you been in the last couple of months? Excuse me while I be an jabroni here, but you do realize there are maybe only 4-5 activer RPers that COULD earn an expert tag? And even then, only maybe 2-3 actually actively make RPs. No one else really qualifies for an expert tag. As presuming the RP HAS to be perfect. (By perfect, I mean rule-wise.) And even then, I have the feeling that some RPers would want an expert tag. (as that attracts others and is an obvious ego boost.) when they barely qualify for it.


So I really don't see why an expert tag would be good at all.

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Well, if it is granted by Mods not by request but when a moderator comes and thinks an RP is deserving, it really wouldn't matter as to how many people wanted one unless a mod came across the RP and thought they deserved it. That, or YCM could do like DC and have an Unapproved RP section. That way, only decent RP's are even allowed to start.

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i don't know how your question can be answered fenrir. i am an active enough rper when the rps that i am in are actually in motion and not approaching the dead phase. i could probably get good enough to be an expert, but somehow i get the feeling that there are those who would not share my motivation to improve as an rper. an expert tag would be a good thing, but you do bring up valid concerns, such as the ego boost thing.

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*goes to change topic*


[spoiler=Read this. It's a PM I sent to the admins.]Hello. As you two may or may not know, the Roleplay section of YCM has underwent many tumultuous changes in the last few months, some of which having destabilized our usually tight-knit little sub-community. However, while looking through the RP suggestions thread that was implemented a while ago to streamline the above, I noticed a few points that could easily be rectified with some simple reorganization of the forum structure. To be succinct, I have two suggestions/requests.


1) Move the Roleplay section out from being a subforum of Fanfics.


While it is true that Fanfics and Roleplays might have gotten relatively-equal attention early in YCM's history when the forums were created, 89% of the posts in the Fanfic/Roleplay forum set come from Roleplays. It only makes sense for such an active forum not to be buried away as a subset of another much less active one.


2) Create a postless out-of-character (OOC) forum as a subforum of the new Roleplay forum.


The Roleplay section has always had somewhat of a "bad rap" among YCM as a whole as a place where members post random and often irrelevant things under the pretense of RPing. Although some of the rules I have implemented have helped to improve upon this, the most ideal situation would be to have a separate subforum for out-of-character discussion and planning. This forum would not have any post count applied to it, so members could discuss as much as they needed to to their heart's content without having that old reputation rekindled.


I would sincerely appreciate it if you could implement my ideas, not only for the bettering of the RP section, but for the bettering of the whole YCM community. Thank you.






So, yay/nay/concerns/comments/pasta salad? Whaddya guys think about that idea? I know YCMaker and Falling Pizza wouldn't get around to it for a while, but if I can get some more support, then the approval process might move along faster.

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