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:: Roleplay Section Improvements Discussion ::

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yeah, probably shouldn't have more then 2 rps at a time though, just so that you don't end up messing up and whatever else.

*after doing a bit of back reading* well, i seriously didn't expect to get a mention from a mod. i guess it was just that valid at the time.

i didn't see any application, so that means that i can just jump right in, right? =/

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Well got something to ask about the stance on copypasted characters.

I understand what it's getting to, no one should always use the same character again, with TINY sentence shifting just to fit the plot.


But up to what point does it go?

Like, if I use a character called Ariana who's a bit of a recluse, with weird mannerisms and an habit of following people once they become friends in her books, etc. and I used her already in an Anime love-style RP. Now if I want to use her again in a futuristic RP and I think she'd be a great addition to the plot but with a few differences of course, am I not allowed to do it (despite the fact that I love the name)?D:


I mean, it'd never be exactly the same character and same story. In a love story RP she can go all YANDERE and killing hurting the person who gets close to her love interest, in a future plot she could have a mad inventor factor added to her personality, still a quirky recluse but in this plot with an habit of creating weird but completely useless objects.

I think that'd give place to new development ways, especially if the other charas will act differently.


I mean, I understand that the system shouldn't be abused but... Is it always stricty-stricty?


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Well got something to ask about the stance on copypasted characters.

I understand what it's getting to' date=' no one should always use the same character again, with TINY sentence shifting just to fit the plot.


But up to what point does it go?

Like, if I use a character called Ariana who's a bit of a recluse, with weird mannerisms and an habit of following people once they become friends in her books, etc. and I used her already in an Anime love-style RP. Now if I want to use her again in a futuristic RP and I think she'd be a great addition to the plot but with a few differences of course, am I not allowed to do it (despite the fact that I love the name)?D:


I mean, it'd never be exactly the same character and same story. In a love story RP she can go all YANDERE and [s']killing[/s] hurting the person who gets close to her love interest, in a future plot she could have a mad inventor factor added to her personality, still a quirky recluse but in this plot with an habit of creating weird but completely useless objects.

I think that'd give place to new development ways, especially if the other charas will act differently.


I mean, I understand that the system shouldn't be abused but... Is it always stricty-stricty?



This is offtopic, but Opal in RPs? *glomps*


To be serious, expying a character isn't the best thing to do, because it doesn't allow for a character to develop to the fullest degree that they may. If you're using a Zeke 50 times in 50 different RPs, they're probably just going to follow the same path every time, and that's not good RP habit. However, you do bring up a point. The main thing I look for when detecting expys are names, appearances, and abilities if any. If you're just attached to a name, it's not a huge problem, but you should try to go with different stuff. :3


Offtopic again, does this mean you're starting to RP?

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Well, I hate to change the tone of this discussion already, but here's something that I've been thinking about for a while- Does anyone think it's time for an Expert Clause?


Nothing mandatory of course, but something like the OLD Advanced clause, but obviously up to the next rung on the ladder. An optional set of rules you can elect to add to your RP by adding the [Expert] tag. I'm thinking a minimum of about seven, eight complete sentences would be appropriate, combined with appropriate grammar rules. If we wanted to be really anal about it, we could make it an 'invitation only' kind of thing, or perhaps have a thread or something where people could apply for Expert licenses. Though I don't think anything quite THAT complex is warranted, it is an option...


The idea just came to me when I realized that on the RPs that I was putting effort towards and enjoying, I was averaging in at over 13 line posts, and it would be much easier if there was a way to screen for other people who can put a similar amount of quality RPing for a truly interesting plot. It's horrifically difficult to find them at the moment, since there's a trend of normally great RPers dumbing down or half-assing their posts to RPs because people who don't write as much, or just aren't as experienced, cause them to lose interest or don't give them enough to work off of.

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Hydra, you take on a lot of characters, so that is easier for you. Most of us don't want to take on that mny characters, nor do we want to spend tons of writing on 1 or 2. You are the 100% minority. I exaggerated, but you get what I mean. I've never seen someone submit 5 apps at once. EVER.


As for Otaku-sama, I have seen others spam, spam, and spam more. Using Semi-scripting and the like. Even WITH the AC. Namely, Aragandomm (Or whatever he's called) and Stardust Wyvern. Buyt then there are people lik Y-tak who still short post. Most aren't ready for EC.

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I agree, BlazingHydra. Option is always nice, and I've seen you RolePlay in some RPs that are at least 3 paragraphs while others in said RP are scraping the minimum of 4 lines (sadly, that includes me...). An expert RP system, combined with reinstating the Tag System could really improve this forum so much more than what is already mostly a good system.

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To all of those that are clamoring for an Expert Clause, can't you write rules that tailor what you're looking for and, I don't know, actually screen for them? You don't need an extra clause in order to get your RP to standards you like.


EDIT: I just realized I bumped the wrong thread in the first place. Meant to bump the RP Brainstorm thread. D:

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Allow me to repeat.... Hydra takes 3-5 characters in EVERY RP I have ever seen him in, save the Zelda RP. That is not normal. I am all for doing as much as you can... but how can you do 13 or so lines with 1 character? Explain that to me. If you are during a transition, such as travelling, and there is little to be done, you can't get that many without multiple characters, or you are devoting an inhuman amount of time.

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Hydra' date=' you take on a lot of characters, so that is easier for you. Most of us don't [b']want[/b] to take on that mny characters, nor do we want to spend tons of writing on 1 or 2. You are the 100% minority.


Right, how silly of me to forget that I make up the entire population of long-posting RPers.


Actually, the RPs I put the most effort into, I'm using a single character. That RP you saw me apply 5 apps for? Bottom-of-the-barrel quality at best. Not only that, but my rule of thumb is that every time I change character POVs, I should consider that a new post. So if I'm using two characters that are in different places, I try to have at least four lines in the first POV, and at least four in the second POV.


...Yeah, I realize the people who write much more than average are a minor here on YCM, which is why I want a tag for them. They're such a minority that its nigh-impossible to find them otherwise.


EDIT: Sorry Rinne, didn't notice your update.


Anyway, yeah we can (and often do) do so, however there isn't any way to make this immediately evident to people skimming the RP lists. Think about it, how many people who RP that well actually go out and look at every which RP that comes their way?


With a standardized Expert Clause, the tag would make it immediately obvious to every onlooker that yes, this is an elite RP. People looking for such a challenge would be less likely to pass it up, like they would if it just happened to resemble every OTHER Rp that comes their way.

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Do you know what even worse? I've seen host putting line limits on their RPs. I think that the noobs should get better on their own through experience through the AC.


As for Expert RPs, I think that adding a tag would end up in a division between the common RPer and the expert RPers again. All one needs to do to make an 'expert' RP is to put it in the RP rules and a foreword to warn that the standard is much higher than an average RP.

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Well, Hydra, the tag system leads to mandatory. Wee've seen that. And I edited, saying that I exaggerated (A Few minutes ago). Really? I've seen you post 13 or so sentences with 3 characters, and 8 or so with one.


People that write more than average are the minority as you said... but just modify rules,Like Rinne said. No need to make a tag.


Do you know what even worse? I've seen host putting line limits on their RPs. I think that the noobs should get better on their own through experience through the AC.


As for Expert RPs' date=' I think that adding a tag would end up in a division between the common RPer and the expert RPers again. All one needs to do to make an 'expert' RP is to put it in the RP rules and a foreword to warn that the standard is much higher than an average RP.



I agree with you 90% I think there shuld be a few... beginner RPs, at least. For new members. THEN Advanced.


Line LIMITS?! Now that is lunacy...

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The tag system was concieved by myself for a forum at the brink of war. It prevented a flame war. Now it is peaceful and there is no longer a large division between the two factions. The tag system only allows division the continue. Therefore, there should be no tags at all, Expert or otherwise.


BTW this discussion should be carried to the RP forum improvements thread to save Rinne kami-sama a headache.

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I still think, at LEAST the new guys need basic. Very few animals, much less humans, survive when left to fend alone when young.


Kami-sama? *Rolls eyes*


I have posted 13+ lines at once with one character. I have also seen Hydra use only one character and get this total. He's just a good RPer.


Ok then, question? Was this during a duel/fight? Or was it during a dull transition scene?

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