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greek mythology role play (*Started* No more Applicants)

Silent Detective

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ooc: alright then time to give everyone a common enemy to fight LOL


The power surged through the two fighting and arguing(Jake/Kotaro) stopping there fight instantly. This power surge was big and powerful enough to budge the fighters at least twenty ft. "You harbor your powers by being half godly, do you not." The man asked as his power went back inside himself...

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Name: Agamanthis




Mother: Euridyce

Father: Achilles










That's a greek hero! Duelist' date=' should that really be accepted?


No,Acilles isn't the name of the hero!I'll let you know that many of the greek names look alike!Acilles/Achilles not the same.

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ooc: i read from my last post and from what i read necron is fighting dogai and jake/kotaro was following me and then went to help

Cali runs intoa cave

Cali: i don't want to hurt anyone yet alone kill

Areta: if you want to be strong you have to hurt or let alone kill

Cali: i'm not ready

Areta: you will become strong

Cali: no if its going to hurt the people around me i'm not doing it even though tarr betrayed me she still is someone

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