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greek mythology role play (*Started* No more Applicants)

Silent Detective

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Kotaro hears the sound of the tidal wave crashing and instantly suspects that it has something to do with Tarr.


to himself: That useless harpy! can't even catch one demi god!


Jake lands on his stomach with a loud thud. He coughs and looks up at Kotaro.


to Jake: I could continue fighting you, but I got someone else I'm more interested in!


Kotaro dashes at break neck speed and quickly arrives where Cali, Tarr and Grim are.

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ooc: cali is at camp right now


Cali runs to her room and finds a wrist watch


Cali: sweet and puts it on and finds a note




Dear chosen one,



Please show this note to two other people you trust


You may be the one of the prophercy





three heros will emerge and fight the evil away when all of them turn 16 they have the biggest decisions of their lives they will either destroy the gods or let them live




it was a blur to read


Cali: why do i always get these notes and runs to the backyard

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ooc: duelist, you need to continue from where others leave off. so that means you've been attacked by Tarr. If you want to get to camp you have to do it in one of your posts.

[to freeman] as long as it didn't stick around for so long I'm cool with it. I don't care 'bout getting squished for a couple seconds.


Kotaro spits out some blood as he gets back to his feet. He smiles in enjoyment and quickly destroys the thunder clones.


to himself: trying to regroup, eh? Not this time!


Kotaro dashes quickly and in no time catches up with Jake. Kotaro, unknown to Jake, gets a little in front of him. Once he is a good distance ahead he swings around and drop kicks Jake in the face.


to Jake: Where you going!?

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Cali bumps into jake


Cali: read this showing him the note


ooc: this post and the other post is later on then


Cali is on the ground

Cali mind: father help me then a huge wave comes out of no where and collaspe on tarr

ooc: but tarr is still on top of me with water on her wings which eans she can't fly so i can push her off

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As Tarr flowed Cail to the camp. she found her in her room.


Cail: Tarr! i thought i got rid of you

Tarr: Fine i tried to save you but know i must do what i should have done a long time ago.


and with that she let out a long high pitched screech. Cail closed there ears as she was shocked by the screm. Tarr lifted up her wings and pulled them back to create a gust of wind behind her. she tackled Cail out sided of the building as they crashed out of the dorms. As Cail lay on the ground with Tarr on top of her with one hand on here neck and the other ready to strike.

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