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greek mythology role play (*Started* No more Applicants)

Silent Detective

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Kotaro looks at the werewolf that has found his hidding spot in a cave.


to werewolf: So you want revenge on the gods like me?


Kotaro gives a small chuckle and calls for Tarr. Kotaro then notices that Cacli is awake.


to cali: So you finally woke up? I guess you should consider yourself lucky. Tarr only knocked you out, I would of finished you then and there. Aren't you a lucky little water nymph (insult).

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ooc: I think he was meaning to say something like this . . .


Werewolf, to Kotaro: Let me show you . . .

He turns to cali.


Werewolf, to Cali: Brain Storm!


Cali is released fromthe ropes that were keeping her from running away, much to Kotaro's suprise.


Werewolf, to Kotaro: One of her friends were right here!


The werewolf reveals to Kotaro that he is really Jake.


Jake, to Kotaro: Remember me? Son of Zeus! Lighting Howl!


Note: See how important it is to make sure you be specific!?

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