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greek mythology role play (*Started* No more Applicants)

Silent Detective

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ooc[Freeman]: Did you just insult Alice AND Cerberus!?

ooc[Grim]: Nope- didn't. or at least you never told me

ooc[FFR]: Well let me do what I do. i've rpged longer than probably all of you (unless someone else here rpgs 5+ years)


ooc: *falls off chair laughing so hard* OMG! He got you FFR! He so f**king got you!!!!

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ooc[eliteduelist]: No side arch! If this has anyhting to do with MY sotry then ask the REAL demi-gods (cali and HER group).

ooc[FFR]: I don't think he cared and don't get so upitty about it.

ooc[Grim]: Didn't know that and you coulda told me.


ooc: AS far as I'm concerned I continue from Freeman and Grim's last post.


Alice' date=' to Tarr: We watch . . .


The men stand to their feet and grin at each other.


Man 1, to Cerberus: Ya sure 'bout this? I've been on a lucka streek fo a long timah.

Cerberus, to Man 1: I'm sure- lets "play"


Cerberus and the two men sit down and begin gambling. It is the routine "find the ball" swindle. As Cerberus watches Alice stands closely behind him- unknown to the two guys her left foot is almost touching his back.

[/quote']ooc: it is helping us gain more power to defeat pearl and stall her plans

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Cerberus watches the guys move the cups and then once they've stopped waits for Alice's signal. With a right tap he picks the right cup and- wouldn't you know it- there is the ball. The guy gives Cerberus twice the money he set down. Enough for everyone to stay at the Inn until Kotaro arrives.


Cerberus, to Tarr *noticing the expression on her face*: What is it?

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ooc: Alice and the rest aren't around him. And inaba is a rabbit- good enough for Tarr.


Cerberus, to everyone: We should leave while we can. We don't need a scuffle and be driven out.


Meanwhile . . .


As Grim walks in to the building he hears a loud bang and sees a very large man at a table speaking boastfully to everybody around him.

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we all make little god mods here and there cough~you~cough

ooc: yesh...

I'm just gonna play as Omar for just one second if thats alright...


Omar quickly runs as fast as he could to the citadel entrance...


The group reached the citadel entrance and passed by Les and Dex. "Thank you..." Merz whispered to Les and then kept running into the building. Dex and Les sealed the entrances with dark spells and then watched the walls dissipate. "Ready?" Les asked Dex. "And doesn't matter if were ready because there flying straight towards us..." Dex said drawing his black katana blade....


ooc: Different situation, he wasn't on for days and grim was here... Really doesn't matter because I don't care, but somebody else might...

ooc2: 10 years...

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