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greek mythology role play (*Started* No more Applicants)

Silent Detective

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ooc: to cali means to cali to jake means to jake


Cali: I'll be in my roon and jake stay away from me

cali is dreaming


Posedion: you have a special gift child

Cali: but how do i control it and what is

Posedion: you have the power to heal a rare gift you have

Cali: how do i control it

Posedion: you must find out you self i will help you a long the way

Cali nods

Posedion: look on you night stand when you wake up

Cali wakes up panting in her room

there is a piece of paper on her night stand




Dear Cali,

You poses a great gift one if which is rare. I will tell you the first thing you need to know about it.

You've got to think straight you have more than one thing on your mind right now. That should help

you. I must go.



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