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greek mythology role play (*Started* No more Applicants)

Silent Detective

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ooc: well you should of said you dropped me near the shore. i thought you dropped me in the middle of the ocean! Please make sure you be specific so I don't get confused again (ask duelist3897, I told her that too).


Wolf doggy paddles his way to shore and howls as Jake flies back to his friends.


Wolf, to Jake: You beat me this time! But I will not loose AGAIN!


ooc: well I gtg. I am only on from 6-10 and on week days.

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We see Tarr kneeling with chains on her hands and lags in a dark room.

A dark figures come out of the shadows with a wolf by the figures sided.

???: Do you know why i called you here?

Tarr: who are you?

???: ohh! You don't well you will learn soon

Tarr:where am i?

???: ohh, you harpies so eager but yet so beautiful. but i don't think that will be the case any more.

the figure snaps his fingers and a mirror comes out of the ground as Tarr looks through the glass she sees a monster.

???: do you like it, its you.

for a second she did not recognize her self. as she looked at the mirror she had dark yellow eyes and a darker shad red hair then normal. On her arms, lags and back there where dark fathers. Scales toke the place her skin on her hands and feet, with sharp talons on her hands and raptor like claws on her feet.

???: Do you like the new you? because this what you will become. get the sword and the shield the next will be your own destiny.

the figure snaps his fingers a bright light comes from the room and she wakes up in here room with the sun glowing from the window.

Tarr: Morning? what a nightmare

as she gets out of bed she walks to the mirror and sees her eyes have changed to a dark yellow.

Tarr: maybe not.

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