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greek mythology role play (*Started* No more Applicants)

Silent Detective

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Both Cali and Grim turn around and freeze in shock as they recognize the voice is coming from a monsterous black dog. The dog's coath is closely resembles that of a rottwieler and its eyes are as piercing as a dobberman pinchers.


Without a second thought they both recognize who the demon beast is- Kotaro!


Kotaro, to both: Good. Now leave the Hydra to me.

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The Hydra continues to back up until it has no where else to go.


Hydra, to Kotar: i beg you cousin! If I knew what that harpy ment to you I wouldn't of attempted to-


Kotaro, to Hydra: Be quiet! I can remember everything you know. You tried to eat Tarr and kill me as well!


Kotaro slices at the Hydra's chest with his paws, which rips into the flesh like a knife cutting a fresh tomato. He and then swirls around and bites the Hydra's back right leg, causing the bone to break from the pressure of the bite.

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The Hydra lasses out with four of his five heads and each grab one of Kotaro's legs. He Hydra chuckles as he raises Kotaro into the air.


Hydra, to Kotaro: Now you die cousin!


The final head of the Hydra lunges to strike Kotaro's neck, but an intense flame shoots out of Kotaro's jaw and burns the head. Kotaro then lets out a roar so loud that the Earth near Grim, Cali and Tarr splits in two. The four heads of the Hydra release their prey and wail in pain.

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Kotaro glances over to Cali. She quickly glances down when she locks eyes with him.


to Cali: Sorry.


The Hydra shakes his head and then looks at Kotaro, fear in his eyes. Fire begins to emmit from Kotaro's mouth and then he breathes out a black flame that engulfs the Hydra. The Hydra's body slumps over as continues to burn until it turns into ashes; which only took a few seconds.


Kotaro then walks over to Necrim, Tarr and Cali.


to Cali: How is she?

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