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Deck: 40


Monster: 21


3| The Creator

3| Blue-Eyes White Dragon

2| Guardian of Order

1| Destiny Hero - Dasher

1| Cyber Dragon


3| Honest

3| The Creator Incarnate

2| The Calculator

1| Breaker the Magical Warrior

1| Card Trooper

1| Sangan


Spells: 13


3| Trade-In

2| Lightning Vortex

2| Card of Safe Return

2| Foolish Burial

1| Heavy Storm

1| Monster Reborn

1| Reasoning

1| Monster Gate


Traps: 6


3| Solemn Judgment

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Trap Dustshoot


Side Deck: 15


3| Threatening Roar

3| SIM

3| Dust Tornado

3| Prohibition

2| D.D. Crow

1| Great Shogun Shien


As usual, fixes only please.

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I played 2 copies of swing in a deck similar to this with blue eyes, it worked since I could force blue eyes into the grave with foolish if needs be, or it would end up there via trade-in. If you play BEWD, guardian of order?? There's so much that could be done with this deck, it is open to many many variants. The great shoguns work well however are not trade in worthy =/.


You can give this a try if you want?

-3 Shogun

-1 Calculator


+2 Honest

+2 Guardian of order

Oh I see DMC4L already fixed up the honests (lol) but you could give the guardians a try ^^

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