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[REQ] Injection Fairy Lily Signature


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Ok the one in my signature wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, I was kinda hoping Kox could do it, but he got banned so..


I would also like an avatar done on this as well.


Text: Injection Fairy Lily

Subtext: (None)

Size: The same size as my current signature.

Render(s) or Stock: http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll46/Dontflipmeoff/InjectionFairyLily.gif

Colors: Pink, White, whatever looks good. Kinda like J-Max's Nurse Joy Signature/Avatar, that kinda color.

Other: Go wild with it. Seriously Wild.

Artist: Whoever considers themself to be a high level'ed signature maker.

Price: A reasonable amount. Probably 10-15 Points.


This is my first time making a [REQ] in the Requests section, so If I do anything wrong, please tell me what I did wrong before locking this.

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