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Arcana force

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i wanted to give arcana force a try. so here we go

my arcana force deck on DMAR


Arcana Force I - The Magician

Arcana Force III - The Empress x2

Arcana Force IV - The Emperor x3

Arcana Force VII - The Chariot x3

Arcana Force VIII - The Strength

Arcana Force XII - The Hanged Man

Arcana Force XIV - Temperance x2

Arcana Force XV - The Fiend

Arcana Force XXI - The World

Cyber Dragon x3

Gellenduo x2




Acanatic Doomsythe

Card Trader

Cup of Ace

Different dimension capsule

golden sealed chest

Light Barrier x2

Magician's Scales x2

Potof Advarice

Second coin toss x3


smashing ground x2

swords of revealing light



Mirrior Force

Reversal of fate x3

ring of destruction

sakuretsu armor x3



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