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oh noes a sandstorm is coming!!!!! O_O

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o0o3 Desert Twister

o0o3 Raiza The Storm Monarch

o0o2 Card Trooper

o0o3 Giant Rat

o0o2 Exiled Force

o0o1 Elemental Hero Stratos

o0o2 Elemental Hero Wildheart

o0o3 Flying Kamikari #1

o0o1 Twin-Headed Behemoth

o0o1 Marshmallon

o0o1 Sangan


o0o3 Smashing Ground

o0o3 Shrink

o0o2 Creature Swap

o0o1 Snatch Steal

o0o1 Heavy Storm

o0o1 Mystical Space Typhoon

o0o1 Premature Burial

o0o1 Nobleman Of Crossout

o0o1 Consfiscation


o0o1 Mirror Force

o0o1 Ring Of Destruction

o0o1 Torriental Tribute

o0o1 Call Of The Haunted

o0o3 Trap Dustshoot


o0o2 Chain Dissapearance

o0o2 Des Wombat

o0o3 Pulling The Rug

o0o3 Twister

o0o3 Royal Decree

o0o2 Kinetic Soldier



ok this is my yvd deck and how i got this on yvd you say? well i created it

if you wanna know how pm me i will pm it back anywho this is well a Desert Twister deck, when i saw desert twister i wanted it so bad i got one but only one so i couldn't run it and yes i am aware that mashmallon will of course get banned but yvd will still run it even if S/R upload the set Well at the preview of Tactical Evolution I was only interested in 3 cards. 1 of them being Crystal Seer obviously which, many players enjoyed as they thought it was a common to their shock it was an Ultra Rare or Ultimate Rare and costs a large amount. The other two cards I was interested in was Frost Flame Dragon and Desert Twister. I have preferred Desert Twister mainly because of its artwork. I shall run this on YVD when the person who runs YVD puts it on the program.

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I like the theme and unlike most decks on this site, it has staples, so thats a + :)


I didn't like that your side deck has no anti demise (unless of course, you like using rugs on manjus, I dont think its enough)


I don't see much else wrong with it, maybe try taking out exileds for exploder dragons or some small tweaks like that.


Oh and how did you get Marshmallon and Twister on Yvd?

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Great deck, I'm not sure what you should change. Maybe take out a Dustshoot for Mind Crush? Anyway, I like the way the build works, especially incorporating Stratos into the mix. If only Desert Twister just had 100 more ATK, then I would be tempted to actually make this deck myself and try it out(but I'd have to find 2 more Twisters, lol).

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