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Tuning Supporter : Discussion

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If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for a Synchro Summon of a Synchro Monster' date=' you can treat this card as a Level 2 monster. If this card is used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a Synchro Monster and sent to the Graveyard, you can draw 1 card.[/quote']


The anime image is the only one available, but it's in DP08.


At first, I thought this was completely mediocre tuning support. Then I noticed that it was a Machine with 100 ATK. And in case you were wondering, even though the effect is Optional Trigger, if you send three to the graveyard for one Synchro Summon, you can activate all of their effects - they will not miss the timing.


(I'll get around to the banlist topic soon - I've just started Senior year, and I need to actually do my summer reading, along with all my other work. >_>)




Oh, and while we're at it, discuss Machine Duplication too.

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(I'll get around to the banlist topic soon - I've just started Senior year' date=' and I need to actually do my summer reading, along with all my other work. >_>)







Good Dup Card.


Basically, get any (Max. LV8 Min. LV2) Synchro out with three cards while getting +1, +2, or, +3.


+0 At max, which is good.

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Tribute 152000 ATK Chimeratech. Equip with Big Bang Shot and attack.


here's something that you never thought of; since it is a tuner' date=' you can only use one per tune summoning, unless they made the mistake of making it a non tuner


Heres something you never thought of, read the card before you post...

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I always knew Machine Duplication was going to make a comeback...

So' date=' this + Dupe + Level 2 Tuner = Level 8 Synchro + 3 draws? Not bad...



Actually, it's Level 5-8 Synchro, because of the "can". You don't have to treat it as Level 2.

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