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my new zombies continued


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I have come to a conclusion! The pictures are good. The ATK of the bottom 2 are a bit high. Please lower it by about 200-300 points. Or you can increase it's level by 1. I can see a few errors with capialization.


Try this effect for your fusion monster: When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, destroy the monster that destroyed this card. During your Main Phase, you can pay half of your Life Points to return this card to your Fusion Deck. If you use this effect, add 1 "Polymerization" and the 2 Fusion Material Monsters you used for the Fusion Summon, from your Graveyard to your hand.

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I've had this zombie for a while. I didn't post it because I thought this thread would of been locked by now. so ignore the post above because I'm most likely gonna make more zombies. Anyway can rate this one.

sorry I for got to post the card.



sorry for posting once again I forgot to make the card bigger before posting it.

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